I saw, this and showed it to my sister (Rosey), and she screamed angrily and fell onto my bed.
You people make me lol
*triple sigh* third times the charm.
*sigh* you'll never learn.
sorry, I win. =3
Nope, I win.
Can I borrow yours. ;_;
no, I win. >=#
I win fools. =3
Orange Sherbert Ice Cream= Yum. Next person to post is ******ed and has to have their mom type for them
I would be " Sister, why the f*** are you in my room" XD
D is for death, which without would make the story minimal. =3 EDIT: You fail dark watch. Mine rymthes.
Obviously, I have the required I.Q to learn rudementary computer functions, have the agility to hit small keys at a rate of 60 words a minute, and know how to convert metrics to measure. So I can proudly claim that the above statment has not be throughly researched and is completly inaccurate.
*Uses surf to put it out* Owned. =3
Fine then! Use Thunderbolt! That doesn't work? Then I may need to use my ultimate, sudicide attack.
Go, Kyroge! Kick that robot's butt! Use Surf!
You should be; there's a ton of gay-bashers around. I'll check the closet for Ann Coulter for yah. ^_^
Next person to post is gay and has no life and really hates Kingdom Hearts! =3
My sister and I used to take baths together. .____. ( when we were 5) Dark Times; at least the bathtub was big. We'd play with a bunch of pokemon we got at burger king. I think Tentacruel always died, and we'd do universes in universes. Those times got interesting. I'm not going to say anymore. XD