Dance Dance in my pants. Nice, it rymthes. ^_^
What the hell? I leave this alone for a few days and now it has 117 posts. O_O Never Gonna Give You Up in my pants.
Which means we now have to follow a litteral interpetation created by fourth century scolars (my spelling is off today, sorry) who have edited the Bible to suit their needs of positional power? If God wanted me to read the Bible in a certain way, then he would've made it CLEAR that you are suppose to read it that way. And yet you insist on making us read it in THE EXACT WAY that makes ALL our arguments wrong. This is why I you irk me so much, because you close your mind to any other interpetation or factual reasoning except the ones you find accurate, all the while ignoring the hyprocrisy and deaths the closemindedness of your narrow interpretation brought. That is the problem with Christianity, and why I do not support it. Not because I don't believe there is no God (though that is one reason), but because the actions of people who are/were Christans.
It's not in practicality (because the Earth moves, even it's orbit, and you would end up in space if you tried, and even if you did it to the exact time, you would still be off by quite a few miles, and not always exactly to the circumfrence on the Earth) and it would be quite useless to try to change the past, as all the conquences of your actions were already being felt in your time. Therefore, it would be impossible to go back and stop Hiltler, because Hiltler survived until 1945. You would fail, because history already said you had failed, because he survived until 1945. Therefore, it is pointless to try so. You could, however, change the future. Interesting paradox, isn't it. ^_^
Yep, I'm very lonely compared to my twin (Rosey). =(
Quoted for Cynical Truth.
Question: Why the hell is Repliku a LIGHT monster? >_>
1. I really don't care, unless they get up my ass about how I'm not. I will respect your beliefs, please respect mine. :) 2. Well, if they were preaching it to everyone in the hall I would be damn annoyed, but if they were just talking about it with someone else then it would be fine. 3. I would roll my eyes, ignore them, and if they came up to me I would tell them not to take the Bible so seriously. :sweat: I believe that Christianity does more good than harm, and it's not bad at all to be one, so I show respect about it. But I am not, so my feelings are, again "I respect your religion, please respect mine". I understand Christ is the only way to eternal salvation, and if you are trying to convince me out of concern then that's very kind, but I do NOT believe it. If there is a fair and just God, he will not judge your enternal after-life on whether you followed a heavily edited book to the word, but rather on your whole, kind and selfless actions (or the oppisite) in life. Ok, I'm trending dangerous ground here. I'll stop. :) EDIT: Seriously, NO ONE picked the middle two options? I'm impressed.
That sounded wrong Repliku. ^_^
Well, I figured out why this was so hard. Right after posting this, I looked at my deck and found out I had ONE cure card in my deck. I took away one of my Lethal Flames (It does work on the arms if you're close and you break his card), and added two cure cards, and, well, beat him the first try. Then I died on the next fight (DAMN YOU OMNI-LASER AT WORST TIME), but whatever, beat the entire thing on my second try. I have now beaten Riku's story as well (Overpowered 9-9-9 sleight ftw). Thank you for the advice anyway. I let this thread go on a while, didn't I? ^_^
This assumes that I squared times one plus the square root of 625 divided by 13 is 2, which it is CLEARLY not. Gawd.
Sorry, comrade. But everyone is dancing to rap now. You must be serverly punished for your rightist ideals.
Depends. What type of dance?
Amuse me. Now!
Wow... I am seriously having more trouble on Marluxia #2 than I did on Riku #4 (No joke, I beat him on my first try). I just can't seem to hit him at all, and by the time he's lost 3 bars, I only have 16 or so cards left and not a lot to break him with. Help please. o_o
Which also corresponds with the idea that Nobodies are neutral, having two oppisites; light and dark being the most noted in the series.
Wouldn't know about it. Don't go on here too much. =/
Just something I picked up on a forum and thought it was fun. Game is simple. Simply put the phrase "in my pants" in front of any song or album title. Like this. Erection in my pants. You're beautiful in my pants. Welcome to the Jungle in my pants. Santuary in my pants. Simple and Clean in my pants. and on.
Rhyme, I was looking at this thread and my sister came over, and she told me to beat you over the head >:
2 .