Spoiler holy shit pokemon
Seriously, people need to give it a rest and stop talking about it. Yeah, Kanye's a ******, we get it...do we really need to hear it over and over again? He apologized so get over it.
In no particular order: Muse, Massive Attack, The Arcade Fire, Incubus, Nine Inch Nails, Lovedrug, Death Cab for Cutie, Fleet Foxes, Dashboard Confessional, Radiohead, and Bloc Party
Alright thanks for the cnc~ Also, I put up a V2 but I think I over sharpened it a tad lol.
Tried to do something different :/ Cnc please? EDIT: V2 Took the red off of his face and added a few more things.
I like Kanye's music and all but the dude can be a serious **** sometimes. Even though I do think Beyonce did derserve that award more than Taylor, Kanye should've just kept his mouth shut and let Taylor have her time in the spotlight.
Mail Delivery since it was quick and easy.
I saw it Thursday night and I enjoyed it. I kinda thought the story was rushed though and some of the parts were a little confusing, but it was still good. Spoiler for end of the movie: Spoiler I didn't really like the ending either. I thought, for some reason, their spirits were gonna go back into their bodies and then they would come back to life...but I was wrong. It kinda sucks that only 4 of them were left at the end :/
Actually, he's not bringing the soldiers back. Sure, he's taking them out of Iraq, but he's only transferring them over to Afghanistan because he believes that we have neglected what we originally planned to do over there.
Greek mythology and Egyptian mythology are probably my favorites. I loved learning about them in my history/english classes, but I don't know too much about the Norse gods or anything. I remember my mom getting me a book with Greek mythology stories when I was younger and I would always read them. I still have that book in my bookshelf to and occasionally take it out sometimes when I'm bored. :>
The first Final Destination was my first rated R movie...I think. I remember I never wanted to be near moving trains because I was afraid of getting my head cut off.
The only thing that bugs me about this sig is the vertical lines that are on Sora's back. I would suggest maybe getting rid of those, but other than that, it's a nice sig.
Eh, I'm not a huge fan of pop out sigs but you did a nice job especially since it's your first sig and all. Well I suppose I'll give some cnc~ I would suggest trying to adjust the hue & saturation of the render to make "pop" more and just mess with the colors. Also, try blending the render itself into the background with the smudge tool. The background color doesn't really go with the render itself and I just think the color you used is sort of ugly. To make the text better, maybe you should make it a tad smaller and take that Gaussian blur off of your text (I'm assuming you used Gaussian blur to make that "glow" effect on your text cause that's how I do it :>) The black border is alright looking and well...I don't know what else to say. Just keep reading some tuts and you'll get better along the road. c: /******cnc
Decided to go with a different sig cause I didn't like the other one lol
Oh lookie here, another tag. Cnc please and thank you
Mine, obviously.
These are pretty nice. I'm really diggin' the Tidus and Squall ones. I might use them later whenever I decide to make a tag again. Thanks~
Yes, my dream is to be a little asian girl.
"Sucking each others dicks is our specialty"