5000 hours on mspaint Spoiler
Just blast this in your house/car/motorboat/horse/etc.
"baaaww my post count dropped my life is overrrrrr why does the world hate me!"
~Drawing the line here, thanks~ check out my awesome new bed sheet so kawaii =^______^=
can't wait till my 2nd gf comes in the mail tomorrow *____* have to get more tissues...
Cry Me A River ~ Borgore
they're only staring because they are jealous that i have such a sexy gf losers
don't mind us just showing some love for our #1 girl censored 4 dem virgin eyes out there
Lol yeah I don't get on here that often anymore... I've been good, just busy with school and other stuff hehe How about you?
Silver City ~ Ghostland Observatory
Hey there :P
London Calling ~ The Clash
American Jesus ~ Bad Religion
fuck bitches, get money
nope i must push my superior music tastes upon everyone even if they don't like it
oh i see now i mean i do want to be ~*~unique~*~ in my music taste ya know ok change of music taste my favorite artists are now air france, angerfist, and m83
my top bands are linkin park, brokenCYDE, and justin beiber hahaha my music taste is superior to yours obviously none of you know what true music is
I'll try to get something out this week and omg why is this place so dead. ;~; Also, I haven't made anything in a long long long time so it will most likely suck. heh @Misty: I'm liking the simplicity of it but like Renegade said it just looks too empty for me. But I don't know what to suggest though, sorry. :c
I hope you enjoy it. edit: i h8 myself n i nvr goin to invite u 2 my partyies again
If I were to look into the Mirror of Erised, I'd see the two of us together. blushblush