Oh deary me, somebody criticizing someone over the internet? That's unheard of! Somebody contact the news this is a big DEAL!
Just look at that disgusting art style.
I guess I'm the only one who appreciates how amazing this music video is...oh well.
Give It Up ~ Pepper
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WuSPRu4lzag It's just so...trippy I guess.
199.2 woohoo
Girlfriend In A Coma ~ The Smiths
We Own The Sky ~ M83
Spoiler Uh yeah... Spoiler Look ma, I'm a cyclops Spoiler Ok, here's a semi serious one... All I have is a ****** webcam to take pics with now since my beautiful little digital camera ended up missing.
Shape Shifter ~ Local Natives
Kid Klimax ~ Atlas Sound
So I decided to open up gimp once again after several months and start making tags again. Just finished this yesterday. Finished this sometime last week CnC and all that jazz
Lover's Spit ~ Broken Social Scene
Lorelei ~ Cocteau Twins
Bedroom Eyes ~ Natty
A Deafening Distance ~ God Is An Astronaut
set tat crown on da ground and ah