What the hell, man.
Based loosely on certain characters from a certain Dreamworks movie, and the internet short "There She Is; Step 2". Written for a Creative Writing assignment. ~~~~~ Jamie exited the bakery, package in hand, the bell on the door tinkling behind him. He set the cake on the sill of the window and opened it, checking to make sure it was still perfect. Finding it in fine condition, he rewrapped it and stepped out from under the awning of the shop. It was cold, and snowing, and definitely not prime condition to be riding a bike, but there wasn’t much choice. It was Joy’s birthday and he would get her something special this year. The boy unlocked the bike from the bike rack and tied the box to the back before hopping on and beginning the trek to the opposite side of town. Perhaps a little further than necessary for a birthday cake (an expensive one at that), but Jamie found he didn’t care. Joy was special to him and she deserved something special. The bicycle left one long track in the thin layer of new snow on the sidewalk. Two blocks away from the bakery, he almost ran into a tinsel-decorated streetlamp when he glanced down at his watch to check the time. He swerved to avoid it and ran into a trashcan instead. Jamie swore loudly and picked himself up off the pavement, earning a sharp look from a nearby elderly woman. He grinned sheepishly and turned to assess the damage. The bike lay on its side, one wheel still spinning. The cake box had come partially untied, and had landed mostly upright. The teenager cursed again, this time under his breath, and quickly pulled the rest of the wrapping holding it to the bike off. He set it on a nearby bench and heaved a sigh of relief upon opening it. The cake was fine, just shifted slightly. Jamie glanced at his watch again and closed the package. He had about twenty minutes. He could make it, if he hurried. He turned the bike upright, tied the cake to the back again before setting off once more. Reaching the center of town, the crowds grew thick with people doing last minute holiday shopping, and Jamie was forced to walk his bike through the throng of bodies. He was jostled this way and that, and he almost wanted to abandon the bike and just take the cake and run, but he needed the bike to get to work. And his mother would kill him. He maneuvered around the people, jostling and being jostled, before spotting a side alley that looked like it had just enough room for him and his bike, if he was riding. Jamie grinned and made a beeline for it. Just as he was about to enter it- “Hey, that’s my purse!” Jamie turned back, and saw a shady looking guy escaping with the purse of a distraught looking woman. His reaction was instantaneous. The teenager turned his bike and immediately went after the assailant, accidentally knocking over a few people before ramming his bike into the guy. They both went flying, the thief forward and Jamie off to the side. Jamie twisted himself in midair so the bike stayed upright, his legs tangled up and his torso lying on the ground. It was extremely uncomfortable. By the time Jamie untangled himself from his bicycle, the thief had gone, escaping into the crowd. However, the woman’s purse lay on the ground before him, a bit battered but otherwise fine. He scooped it up by the strap and turned back to where the woman had been. “Stop, thief- oh.” The poor girl stopped in her tracks, looking around wildly. “Did he get away?” she asked disappointedly. “Yea, I’m afraid so, ma’am…” Jamie answered, then held up the purse. “Sorry. But I did manage to get-“ “Ah-ha! So you’re the thief!” “Er… no… I just-“ “Give me that!” The woman snatched back her purse and swung it back at Jamie, smashing his arm, and then turned and stalked away. “The nerve of some people…” Jamie stared after her, rubbing his bruising arm. He just couldn’t catch a break, could he? He checked his watch again and found himself with five minutes until he’d be counted as ‘late’, then sighed again. Assured that the cake was still safe, he turned to quickly wheel his bike back toward that alley. He hopped on the bike and started to pedal, only to find that he wasn’t going anywhere. Stepping off, he found that the chain had broken. He’d need tools to fix it. Jamie swore under his breath. He’d have to walk the rest of the way. He cursed himself for forgetting his cell phone. Jamie jogged through the alleyways, turn after turn, until the street was once again in sight. He grinned. He’d only be fifteen minutes late. That would be okay. And at least the cake was still safe. “Hey, kid!” Goddamn it. Jamie turned, and paled. Approaching him were three very large men, complete with biker jackets. One of them even had an eye patch. “U-uh, y-yes?” “What’re ya doin’ in this alley?” the leader glared. “U-uhhh, I-I’m so sorry I was just taking a shortcut ‘cause I’m late for my girlfriends birthday and I keep getting stopped and oh my god I’m so sorry please don’t hurt me!” The head biker stopped. “Hurt ya?” he laughed heartily. “Why would we hurt ya? Yer just a kid! And ya looked a bit lost, so we thought to help ya.” “R-really?” Jamie squeeked. The big man nodded. “They call me Bunny.” “I-I’m Jamie.” “Nice to meet ya, Jamie. Need a lift?” Turns out, Bunny was actually the owner of the local drugstore. He just liked motorcycles, and went out on the weekends to ride. Jamie’s mother was friends with his wife. What a coincidence. Bunny and his friends gave Jamie a lift the next five blocks to Joy’s house, and Jamie practically ran up the icy steps to ring the doorbell in his happiness, his new biker friends behind him. He stopped for a seconds to check the cake (still perfect) before pressing the button. It was a few moments before the door opened to Joy’s smiling face. “Jamie! You made it!” she squealed. “Y-yea. Sorry about that…” “No prob! I just… I wondered if something had happened…” “Ehe, a lot of things happened…” he said sheepishly. “But hey, I got you something!” He held up the box, and Joy instantly recognized the packaging. “Is that-!” “Yup! Ordered it special, just for you.” Joy’s smile widened, her eyes shining in happiness, and she hopped forward to throw her arms around Jamie. Or rather, that’s what she meant to do. Instead, she slipped on the icy porch, and went flying into her boyfriend. The pair fell back with a thunk, and the cake box slipped from Jamie’s grasp, cracking down beside them. The box popped open, and the cake bounced, landing upside-down inside the lid, splattering. One of the bikers gasped. Jamie groaned in pain, both from the fall and the migraine forming. He’d made it all the way here, too… “Oh… I’m so sorry, Jamie…” Joy said quietly, disappointed. “It’s my fault.” Jamie sighed. “Nah. You didn’t know it was slippery.” “Well, it’s just a dumb cake, anyway. I’d rather be with you.” Jamie laughed. “That was sappy.” “…Shut up,” she snickered. He picked them both up and stood them upright, and Joy went to examine the mess. “It’s still edible,” she determined. The girl stuck a finger in the mess and popped it in her mouth. “Yummy!” “…You think?” “Yea! Let’s take it inside.” Joy scooped up the half of the box with the cake, took Jamie’s hand, and led them inside to enjoy the rest of the party. Bunny and his gang were invited too.
Literally the only requirement is that it has to be 8 pages, but I'm also allowed to substitute it for two four page stories. Oh, and I should probs stick with PG-13 for the most part. I'm really not sure what to write about. My first idea is about a dude who gets a cake for his girlfriend's birthday. He gets into a ton of wacky hijinks on the way there but manages to save the cake every time until the last minute when he drops it as soon as he arrives. Would probs only take up about four pages. Help me out here, KHV. Give me some prompts, tell me why I should or shouldn't write the cake story, whatever.
I realized I don't have many people added anymore, despite the fact that my MSN contact list is about two miles long. Anyone want to be added to Skype and/or AIM?
And would know how to fix it? Because I'm trying to add my friend and it always says she's online when she's not. And she has the same problem on her end. I don't think it's the OS. She's running Windows XP and I'm running 7, but I don't imagine that would cause a problem. She's suggested it might be because I'm using a hotmail E-mail, but that's dumb because I have contact to other people through AIM. I'm rather desperate for an answer since MSN is closing in the few days (the b*stards).
Starts in the morning. I am so PUMPED.
and then I promptly wasted four hours playing Final Fantasy 13 instead of doing work
A Very Potter Senior Year is going up on youtube sometime tonight. I believe it's 8pm EST but I could be wrong.
Anyone else going who wants to put up with me for a weekend?
Isn't there like a private KHV server or something? Because I actually play Minecraft now.
Entertain me, if you please. This computer has no sound
I will be twenty years old. Is it bad that I've just been crying over it?
Still trying to pick a second outfit for Sunday of ToraCon this year. I'm all geared up to be Jack Frost on Saturday, but I have a few options for the second outfit. The Doctor and Jaden would be pulled straight out of my closet, Venellope and Fem!Jack would have to be made.
It's been going around on tumblr too.
everything is now hilarious. i already put this on tumblr
Give me things to sing.
We really must stop meeting like this, it's taking a toll on my health.
Generally just once a day or once every other day to check my mail and the KHV Musical thread. Who misses me when I'm not here?
It's blessedly cold, at 43 degrees.
We've graduated from colors to variables I STILL HAVN'T GOTTEN MY GEN 3 REMAKES. C'MON, NINTENDO, GET WITH THE PROGRAM.