I love how my nieces (who are four and six) have their own iPads before I do.
1. Go to Wikipedia 2. Click the 'Random Article' button. 3. Read the page in its entirety. 4. Share with us one (or more) interesting fact that you have learned. 5. Feel free to add comments. Wisconsin was the first state to open a State Park, in 1878, called "The State Park". What a creative name. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_Wisconsin_state_parks
You goddamn yanks .
i am so flucking out of it okay half of my face is numb but my teeth are shiny
Aka the thread where I post stuff I make sometimes that may or may not be good. A Flower Jack and Jamie Vs. The World Birdy Yuma
I don't think the campsite has wifi.
Because I am bored and depressed.
At an alteration shop. Upsides; It's a job. 9 bucks an hour. I like sewing. Downsides; No free time ever.
I know everyone else has already posted about it But I needed to get my feelings across of being unable to make proper english come out of my mouth right now due to the sheer excitement of KH3. PTERODACTLE SCREECHING
For my icon and signature. I've been Jack Frost since January.
So as most of you know, I got a new laptop this week. It's beautiful, an Acer Aspire 571, but I've scoured the internet and cannot for the life of me find an answer for this. I realize this is actually a common thing in newer computers, so that the mouse won't move while you're typing up a paper or something. The issue is, I play Minecraft on my computer, and I kinda need the touchpad and the keyboard to work in tandem. I've tried messing with the sensitivity and palm check sliders, but they don't do a damn thing. I run Windows 7, if that makes a difference.
and it only took a week. Now I only need to remember what I had on my desktop.
So. I took my laptop to the shop, and it turns out there's corrosion on the motherboard. Something that, obviously, the guy can't fix, and he advised me to just get a new one. I also found out today that my father has sent me $1000 dollars for graduation. Holy crap. KHV, I require assistance. I'm looking at Acer laptops right now, and they're both about the same. Laptop 1; Acer V3 571 No touch screen 4GB Ram i5 processor 15.6" screen Windows 7 ~ $390 Laptop 2; Acer W8 Ultrabook Touch screen 6GB Ram i5 processor 14" screen Windows 8 ~ $450 I'd put links, but the links are to Ebay. Both manufacturer refurbished with free shipping, and they both have great reviews on Amazon. Help a girl out? I'll be ordering the laptop tonight, so I can have it by Saturday.
This time, it's the motherboard, and I'm gonna have to get an all new computer. I guess I just can't get a break when it comes to technology. Luckily, this time, the harddrive is fine, and I'll be able to get all my crap off it easily. Thus, the task falls to get a new computer. Anyone wanna recommend a new computer? Preferably under $600 and with Windows 7?
I should do something with this.
The Return of the Revenge of the Me Pushing People off a Cliff. Go.
Holy sh*t it's so fun but I feel like I'm gonna fall over and die.
Electric Boogaloo Let's see who wins this round.
Seeing as the only games I own are FF13 and Little Big Planet 2, this is kinda a big deal. What should I make him get me?
I hate everything right now. Go.