We meet again. seriously fuck my sleep schedule.
And made an important discovery. I am secretly Rose Lalonde.
Only another three years before I hit premium.
First person to guess correctly wins this;
1; Punch a wall and hope you didn't break your fist. 2; Angrily wash hair 3; Angrily wash clothes 4; Angrily post about it on the internet 5; Attempt to get hands to stop shaking so you can angrily eat ramen. 6; Call friends and reschedule plans. Angrily. 7; Roll on the floor a bit so your dog comes over and sits next to you worriedly. 8; Cry a bit.
Is Tiggers are wonderful things. My nephew got a new toy. It talks.
I currently do not have a smartphone, and therefore know nothing about them, but since I have to start paying for my own phone bill at that time, I'd kinda like one. Therefore I'd like some help from some people who do have smartphones. I know I'd probably want an android, and we're on Verizon. I also don't want a majorly expensive phone (maybe something I can get for ~70$ or less?). I just wanna start thinking about this now so I know what I want when christmas rolls around. Little help, KHV?
It's such a dumb movie, but boy do I love it.
Read this article. It's beautiful and explains all my problems with Moffat. http://blog.zap2it.com/frominsideth...i-can-stay-but-steven-moffat-needs-to-go.html
Despite the fact that it's only 6pm. So I can get up at midnight and go to work. ahaha thank god this job is only a temp job I don't think I could handle such a wonky schedule on a regular basis.
Tell me, is my heart gonna be broken in two by the end of this? (I'm on episode four, so I would appreciate any major spoilers be marked as such)
That you no longer have any inhibitions, everything is hilarious, and your voice is louder than it should be? I hit that point about five hours ago. I need sleeping pills holy sh*t this is ridonculous
Tell me what to do, KHV.
I dunno what to do.
For those who havn't seen it yet.
For I am le bored
It only took me five months. I liked it well enough, though it did have a few problems overall. Like near the end. For the entirety of Orphan's Cradle I found myself wondering if I was near the end yet. And I wish they'd given the final Crystalarium upgrade before the end game. Fearless gives this game a 4 out of 5. Now I need to play the sequel.
Which is fair, I suppose. Although it would be nice if said rent was significantly lower than the rent of all the apartments in town.
I feel as though I had an obligation as a bridesmaid to drink more than I actually did.
HOW TO TRAIN YOUR DRAGON 2 TEASER http://www.movie-list.com/trailers.php?id=howtotrainyourdragon2 /faints