1S TH1S YOU? http://www.kh-vids.net/showthread.php?120269-Pathological-Paradox-A-Doctor-Who-fic Also apparently I am slowly gaining back my title of Most Insane Member?
Obviously not me because I got back hours ago. Bought some stuff, saw a play, was all good.
And it has WiFi. On my IPod. Winning.
I feel like a bunch of people changed their names in the three days that I was gone. Because now I don't know who anyone is.
Will do a full report with pics when I don't feel like dying.
See you suckahs on Sunday.
Pretty sure this is one of the only fandoms where there are explosions and tearjerkers within five minutes of each other. Also the movie was f*cking amazing. Everyone should go watch it. Even if you don't play the games. Especially if you don't play the games.
Just spent about ten minutes playing with it. Mind blown. Brb drawing forever.
As mine continually fails to work.
The f*ck? When did that happen?
http://www.politico.com/blogs/burns-haberman/2012/04/santorum-to-suspend-campaign-120127.html http://thecaucus.blogs.nytimes.com/2012/04/10/santorum-to-suspend-presidential-campaign/ http://www.washingtonpost.com/blogs...idential-race/2012/04/10/gIQACvaV8S_blog.html THANK YOU JESUS.
I should start wearing makeup more often or something, it makes me look less like a ragamuffin. The makeup's starting to come off a bit though. Spoiler
Mine are pierced, one in each ear, and I'm starting to lose my hearing slightly. SO SPEAK UP, WHIPPERSNAPPERS.
How does a two hour play need a rehersal that long?
Awwwwwwww hells yea! ;;;;D
But I don't remember what it is. [Here, have this photo instead. Happy April Fools.]
feeling ill. somone please shoot me.
Was I the only person who was deeply moved? Just me, then? Okay.