You changed your avy and sig a little... I liked it the way it was... Avatar: 8/10 Signature: 9/10
Yay...! we have an evil chemistry teacher now...
KH Re:CoM, LittleBigPlanet, Mortal Kombat vs. DC Universe, A pantex duo matrix cell phone, new clothes and shoes, and other things... I forgot all the stuff I got...
I think Sora should wear long pants... just to make it different. I'm tired of the shorts. Riku is sexy no matter what he wears...! =d
My Vegas handles AVIs just fine... I don't know what your problem is...
*Kairi feels her phone vibrate and checks it... Kairi texts back* Awww man I got Math... Well I'll see you at lunch later...
*Kairi texts Nicky* what class did you get first period? (Nope... sorry)
Nice vid.......!
Pretty nice vid... Good job!
I'm actually pretty good at math... I could give you some tips sometimes Namine if you want lol... hmmmm... Where'd Nicky go??? *Walks into math class* Hi Hazuki!!!
This was a really good vid. It was very nicely put together. Great job!!!
Your timing was really good... Nice job!
Pretty nice vid... The timing in the beginning was good...
Cool... so what class do we have first period Namine...?
Don't we all...! That's why we need boy to play Riku so we can love a fake Riku without it seeming gay... But do what you want. I'm not in charge of this thread...
That is correct...! I need to try to finish it. I didn't think boys would really like the book... It's more of a chick book I thought...
Ya ya... that's what I meant to say... *scratches head* I forgot what they were called lol.
Isn't he a wolverine???
Do you read alot... I don't. I'm not much of a reader. I only read when I'm force to at school. I haven't even finished reading Twilight lol......
Idk but I wanna die before I get really oooooold... I don't want to be an old person...