Oh ya I don't like those either... lol. Did you check out that Blood + show?
Man I keep posting under myself... sorry anyway... I like this one song, Diary of Jane by Breaking Benjamin... There is some screamo in that song...
I don't like it that much, but I like some...
I didn't really use summons but if I did I used Stitch or Chicken Little...
Hi...! Welcome to the site. It's alot of fun I hope you enjoy it. If you ever need anything just PM me. (not that I'll be able to help that much lol)
Trading Yesterday, 30 Seconds To Mars, Skillet, Three Days Grace, I like lots of things...
I love Skillet... I also really like this band called Metro Station...!
Well you did a good job...! Lol :)
I'm once again doing nothing... Whatchya listening to?
OOC: I love Axel... bye! Fine I'm gonna go too. Bye everyone...
OOC: Ok... bye bye!!!
Hey hey...! Waz up?
"Yay... Sexy party"
"It's ok Sora" Kairi pats Sora on the back.
OOC:Wow are you serious... lol!!!
^ *kiss* What's a gale...?
"That's ok I'll hug you anyway" Kairi exclaimed... "Better yet... I'll hug Riku instead then." Kairi hugs Riku even harder...
"Yay" Kairi hugs Sora again...
"Can I sit by you?" Kairi asks Sora?
Kairi backs off... "What are you mad at me?"