Kairi looked at the blonde haired man surprised by his entrance... "Who are you?" she said.
There's nothing wrong with wanting to fit and getting in shape. You should want that for yourself not just so he'll like you better. Anyway main point is if he really loves you he'll like you the way you are... no matter what...! :)
Nice story... Your very descriptive with your words. Was the girl talking Kairi?
My favorite boss was Axel in KH2 when you fought him with Roxas wielding two keyblades. Also I loved fighting Sepheroth...
OOC: Idk...
OCC: fine then what do we do now? ................
"Ya Leon... we're your friends... remember?" Kairi exclaimed. "Oh I get it he's probably just playing with us... right Leon?" Kairi asked confused.
"Thanks... Your a huge help" Kairi yelled at Donald sarcastically. They just stood there not knowing what to do when suddenly the sound of a gun went off and destroyed the heartless. Kairi looked up to see It was Leon. "Oh thank you Leon" said Kairi. "What how do you know my name?" asked Leon. OCC: We need a Leon...
Suddenly a heartless appeared...! Ahhh! I don't know how to fight!" she screamed. What do we do Donald?"
"Ok... Here I go!" Kairi said as she lifted the card to the air. A flash of light and the card had disappeared from her hand. Slowly the doors opened and she in Donald stepped inside. Once through the door they noticed that they didn't seem to be in the castle anymore. "Where are we now?" she asked. "No... wait! I know this town. It's Traverse Town. This is where Sora brought me after he rescued me from Hollow Bastion." she said excitedly.
"Ya... it's great I have you here" Kairi replied sarcastically. "So what do you suppose we do now?" she said. I'm gonna use this card to go to the next floor. "Come on Donald!" she exclaimed. "Lets go...!"
Kairi giggled at Donald's frustration. "Well I found this card and I'm not really sure of what to do with it." she said. "But I think we can use it to get to the next floor. Seems our only way out of this castle is to progress though it." she said.
OCC: Mabey for Sora, but Kairi didn't even know what Traverse Town was till... awww fine... BIC: The card had Traverse Town on it. Kairi picked up the card studied it a bit and then looked up to see the door that lead to the next floor... "Well seems I have nowhere else to go..." she said as she headed for the door. Kairi turned around at the call of her name. "Huh... who... Oh Donald... What are you doing here?"
The hooded man simply disappeared again leaving nothing, but a card. "Wait" Kairi yelled, but he was already gone. Kairi looked at the card. It had Hollow Bastion on it. "What..." she thought. "What am I supposed to do with this?"
Kairi walked around the first floor a bit... "Am I all alone" she asked herself. Suddenly a hooded man appeared before her. "Who are you?" She exclaimed.
OCC: Fine... then I'm all by myself... BIC: Kairi enters from the front of the castle. "What is this place?" she thinks aloud, "and how did I get here?"
"Riku... what are we doing here and how did we get here...?" Kairi asks once she catches up to Riku. "And who are these people" she says as she looks at Roxas, Axel, and Luxord...
Awww... why is that?
OCC: ok... I'm new at this whole role playing thing so spare me. BIC: Kairi stares in front of the giant doors of Castle Oblivion. She looks towards the entance and notices Riku. "Riku" she called out as she ran towards him.
OCC: Sorry, but how is Kairi gonna come into the story... Oh and is the setting Castle Oblivion...?