Did you read the books?
Oh ya those songs are awesome...!
I know... It's stupid of me to worry too much about what people think, but I can't help it. It's my personality. I want to be accepted... Have you...
But your a girl lol...!
Hmmm... ya I know. My school has like a video game and anime club... but I won't join in fear of being labeled as a nerd lol. All they do in the...
Hey everyone... Has school started yet lol...?
Your always bored...lol. Do you do any sports?
Nothing just thought I'd say hi... Whatchya doin?
Aren't you part of the Code Geass family... How come you never post there...?
Hi buddy...!
That's awesome...! *yawns* I'm tired. I'm gonna go to bed now... bye... talk to you tomorrow...!
Cloud, Riku, and Kadaj... Oh and that guy from FF versus XIII. He's hawt!
FFVII DoC; CC ... I've played FFXII and I wanna play FFVIII. You?
That's cool... I love DN! It's so suspenceful...!
OMG I was looking at your bday its almost the same as mine. Mine is April 11, 1993