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  1. Sumi
  2. Sumi
    Jayn is my ideal woman. *murdered*

    Anyway, I think I answered a thread like this in '09 since I remember Jayn's answer from then but I've changed a lot in the past three years so.

    I like the same things in boys and girls :3

    physically attractive:​
    +taller than me​
    +nice smile​
    +i'll admit i'm a sucker for darker skin than my own, though it's not hard to be there lol ( i'm pale as **** man :c )​
    +likes to look nice (jeans and a t shirt just doesn't match up with my style sorry bro)​

    attractive personality-wise:​
    +good taste in music, books, and films​
    +enjoys artsy things (i'm a poet i'm allowed to be picky about that)​
    +willing to put up with me being an idiot and also take care of me when i'm about to have a breakdown which is often jasdfadgskdsj​
    +is okay with me sleeping on them and sleeping all the time​
    +assertive without being overbearing​
    +kind to all but okay with joking a little about others (i'm a mean person sob)​
    +organized and hardworking​
    +really kawaii all the time​
    +also intelligence is the biggest thing in the world to me wow​

    but really I'm not as picky as I sound lol. ;__;

    edit: i also forgot you have to live far away /shot
    Post by: Sumi, Aug 18, 2012 in forum: Discussion
  3. Sumi
    Tights, nice colour coordination, cute shoes, light makeup, hair down possibly with accessories. Shorts and jeans that are tighter also are more feminine. :x ! Skirts and dresses are an obvious start too.
    Post by: Sumi, Aug 18, 2012 in forum: The Spam Zone
  4. Sumi
    the forum just looks delicious today.
    Post by: Sumi, Aug 18, 2012 in forum: The Spam Zone
  5. Sumi
    The whole Japanese 1 class is weaboos. There are two decent people out of 24.
    Post by: Sumi, Aug 18, 2012 in forum: The Spam Zone
  6. Sumi
    Omg yes AP Lang together. We call it both AP Eng and AP Lang. : D <3
    Post by: Sumi, Aug 18, 2012 in forum: The Spam Zone
  7. Sumi
    Haha I'm taking AP US History :v is that the same?? And AP English and AP Spanish.
    Post by: Sumi, Aug 18, 2012 in forum: The Spam Zone
  8. Sumi
    She also speaks like 100 words of english so no one knows what she's trying to teach us.

    I'm independent studying during a J.1 class and one girl pronounced katakana like "kuhtahkaynee" and she just goes, "That very cute. But that is not the way the Japanese would the speak."

    on the bright side she's really cute and lets us do whatever we want, really.
    Post by: Sumi, Aug 18, 2012 in forum: The Spam Zone
  9. Sumi
    I've had the same teacher for two years before this. :c It just suddenly jumped in difficulty like ten levels jdkfsdaf
    Post by: Sumi, Aug 18, 2012 in forum: The Spam Zone
  10. Sumi
    Japanese 1: learning to say what you like and your name and hiragana
    Japanese 2: hiragana still and how old you are
    Japanese 3: katakana also still hiragana because 80% of the class didn't get it the first two years and where you are from
    Japanese 4: still katakana and how to count things
    Japanese AP: here are 500 kanji learn them by next class also please write a five page essay explaining the significance of the Dole Banana Man in modern Japanese culture also please translate the 16 page verb sheet and learn two more tenses this will be due tuesday

    i feel like it's a little uneven.
    Thread by: Sumi, Aug 18, 2012, 18 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  11. Sumi
    ; A ; khv y u give so many feels
    Status Update by Sumi, Aug 18, 2012
  12. Sumi
  13. Sumi
    you'll be used to all the changes in like a week. B|
    why waste time complaining about them?
    Thread by: Sumi, Aug 16, 2012, 13 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  14. Sumi
    you are a terrible person for lying, lol.
    Post by: Sumi, Aug 13, 2012 in forum: The Spam Zone
  15. Sumi
    if your voice was a person i would currently be on my knees with a marriage proposal prepared.
    Post by: Sumi, Aug 13, 2012 in forum: The Spam Zone
  16. Sumi
    I have to find relationships between numbers in everything. Like my phone number, say it starts with (502) 230 [it doesn't, lol] I'm like, "two is the third digit and two plus three is five which is the first number. the second and sixth digits are zero and six minus two is four - the fourth digit is two. the fifth digit is three, and three minus two which is the fourth digit is five" etc. etc. I can spend hours going through phone numbers finding relationships between all the numbers. ;__; ''
    All the apps on my iPhone also have to take up exactly the right amount of rows on only two pages and are organized by both colour and use. My book shelves are organized by type, genre, colour, how much I like it, and size combined. Also sometimes by jokes like having A Day No Pigs Would Die next to Animal Farm. My markers and pens are all organized by colour. My backpack is organized by size and subject of papers. All my doors except for to the bathroom have to be shut completely at all times.
    If anything isn't in place I freak out and can't sleep or function without it being perfect. I get really shaky and can't focus at all. ||OTL
    Post by: Sumi, Aug 12, 2012 in forum: Discussion
  17. Sumi
    Why not? I should have most of this coming weekend free to work. :3
    Post by: Sumi, Aug 11, 2012 in forum: Competitions