Yeah, a lot of colour and lighting stuff mostly.
i can't do anything right wow good job me
e w e why yes.
RIGHT omg forgot. Logging on to post now.
SECONDING MOHAWK because why not, mohawks rock
Heya. I don't know if it's worth anything but you should stick around if you have time and we should talk sometime if you get a chance! :3
alright haha. i'll see what i can do.
u w u ooooh i really like this! do you want me to pick up or are you still going?
only the latest of replies BUT thanks so much oh my gosh. c: <3 Some more exciting news from my little poetry bubble back home: the group of poets I read with every month is going to be featured on our local Fox channel! Yes, it's Fox, but hey it is some recogntition. :3 If possible I'll try and tape it and put it online? It's really a great thing that we're getting to be better known. I've been reading with the group since February and it's really one of the best experiences I've had. Depending on how that goes, here may be some more exciting news but I'm hesitant to say anything before it's official. SO I'll just say that we read for the Youth Arts Council, and some people in high places were ~very~ impressed. So, question: do you all have writing groups around? If so, what are they like and what tips do you have for those without writing groups to get a group started? I find that having a group of poets always keeps me on my toes and is encouraging and inspiring when writing a new piece! EDIT because more great writing news: Libba Bray is coming and reading at my school! Author of Beauty Queens, Going Bovine, and six other books is coming to read from her new novel The Diviners. I'm really excited about this, as she's an absolutely amazing author. Also: I've gotten the extremely awesome/special/brilliant chance to beta-read for Derek Nikitas, author of Pyres. I believe about ten others from my class will also be reading the first draft of his new novel and having a class with him (and possibly off-campus lunch) to discuss his work.
Yeeeeeeeeeeeaaaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhh that's gonna be a nope from me. :c even if Hawkeye was really cute.
uhmmm i guess back in may!
oh no worries :3 haha sorry if i came off as curt! and i'm waiting until i come up with something REALLY BRILLIANT to say. i don't have anything...
jsshvscssbd THANK YOU bb <3333 omg ilu 2 bb
i don't believe i replaced anyone
omg guys y'all's making me blush ksbdhっsbshsかはkhdksんdbっs (god bless keysmashing on a japanese keyboard) i'm gonna try m'very hardest and do what i can! ;_; <3 also llave u so funny also twista sista dhdfbfhfg thanks aaa also kells i'm sorry i don't talk to you more orz also thanks khight ; 3 ; also yaaaaaay fearless also thanks drew dear i'll do my absolute best also gs my soul twin thank u bless u ♪(´ε` )
pfff jajaja espanol es mas facil pero japones mas divertido