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  1. Sumi
    Profile Post Comment

    what happening

    what happening
    Profile Post Comment by Sumi, Dec 20, 2012
  2. Sumi
    This was so fun aaaa even though listening to it I realize I talked over people a lot /cries
    I'll be looking forward to the next podcast and hope to participate again sometime c:
    Post by: Sumi, Dec 17, 2012 in forum: Community News & Projects
  3. Sumi
    Profile Post Comment


    Profile Post Comment by Sumi, Dec 9, 2012
  4. Sumi
  5. Sumi
  6. Sumi
    Profile Post Comment

    omg im gonna

    omg im gonna
    Profile Post Comment by Sumi, Dec 3, 2012
  7. Sumi
    llave is an ok human he does the breathing part ok and can type so i guess he's cool
    Post by: Sumi, Dec 3, 2012 in forum: The Spam Zone
  8. Sumi
  9. Sumi
    Profile Post Comment

    sorry i just wanted to COMPLY

    sorry i just wanted to COMPLY
    Profile Post Comment by Sumi, Dec 3, 2012
  10. Sumi
    I'm going to see this with my school librarian haha but I need to finish the book first. It looks like it will be a gorgeous movie, though : o
    Post by: Sumi, Dec 3, 2012 in forum: Movies & Media
  11. Sumi
    I just have a button that says it's okay to hug me lol. Perhaps you should invest in free hugs buttons. Then you won't awkwardly hug a stranger but strangers will know it is okay to hug you if you would like.
    My school has sit by new people at lunch day but that's the closest equivalent.
    Post by: Sumi, Dec 3, 2012 in forum: The Spam Zone
  12. Sumi
    Wow these are really gorgeous! <3 You used graphite, yes? Love how you've done the smudging, still leaving enough blank paper and light to make realistic shadows. A lot of people end up covering the whole paper in graphite when that happens and it looks messy. You've gone beyond that though and it looks lovely. Your faces have some really great emotion in them and are very distinguished. My only possible negative comment is that the nose in the first piece and a bit in the second could be more defined or sharp, perhaps. They look lovely as they are though. Overall great use of the medium and I'd really like to see more of your work sometime! Sorry for the late reply ;-;
    Post by: Sumi, Dec 3, 2012 in forum: Arts & Graphics
  13. Sumi
    i am now an empowered female who also feels like drawing hawkeye in supermodel poses
    thank you for sharing that with us
    Post by: Sumi, Dec 3, 2012 in forum: The Spam Zone
  14. Sumi
    I am Sumi
    ; _ ;
    Post by: Sumi, Nov 26, 2012 in forum: The Playground
  15. Sumi
    happy birthday! :'D
    just say you're 20 years young then you won't feel so old
    Post by: Sumi, Nov 26, 2012 in forum: The Spam Zone
  16. Sumi
  17. Sumi
    will you show us the world in your eyes?
    Post by: Sumi, Nov 25, 2012 in forum: The Spam Zone
  18. Sumi
    there hasn't been a post in here in too long so here have my face
    i made a tumblr for stupid pictures of myself it is located at in case you are not ~satisfied~ by my meager offerings
    Post by: Sumi, Nov 25, 2012 in forum: The Playground
  19. Sumi


    I'm going to punch you. In your face. >:L

    Anyway. I really like this way you tell the story, it makes it a little more interactive and I think that fits well with the story you want to get across. There was definitely a lot of tension and you did a good job of letting things build up before everything fell into place. As always, I can't wait for more.
    Post by: Sumi, Nov 20, 2012 in forum: Archives
  20. Sumi
    You know one time, I really wanted my parents to come to this stupid class play that was I was in. Back when I was in elementary and stuff. And my mom said she’d come, “of course,” and my dad said he’d take off of work. I was so excited. But then I was on stage. The lights were on me. I swear it felt like stardust all over my skin. I was shivering. I looked out at the crowd and tried to find my parents because I wanted them to see me, and I wanted to show them that I was becoming a star too, but I couldn’t find them. I didn’t see their faces in the sea and I started thinking that maybe they were there and I’d only missed finding them. And I heard the line before mine and I couldn’t remember what I was supposed to say. I looked at all the others on stage but there was no one. No one was out there. No one to help me. They all just looked at me and wondered if I’d say what I needed to, but I couldn’t remember so I started crying. “Where are they?” I asked, “Where are they? Where? Where are they?” and I still can’t see them.
    Sarah was off stage, waiting for me. So was Wathers, who taught fourth grade then. She gave me a hug and said, “Oh, honey." That was when I knew I'd ruined the play.
    Wathers kept going around afterwards to find my parents but nobody came to pick me up. She drove me home, said that even if she wasn’t supposed to she needed to. “Teachers help kids,” she said. “We’re just not allowed to hurt them.”
    I can’t remember what happened next. There’s a gap between that night and seventh grade. The night there was the '97 accident, when the passenger train went off the rails and into the river, is the next earliest night in my memory. There probably isn’t anything worth remembering, anyway. Sarah said there wasn’t anything to be remembered. We didn’t do anything then. Two years of school and of parents being parents. I know that in that time my mother died. I know that in that time Sarah first started cutting up her sides during our lunch time. She once said I used to stand outside to make sure no one would come in and see her.
    So I’d write on the rail, SARAH GO CONFESS and she’d see it and write back, ARE YOU A GHOST? because the only people she knew she thought were dead. I AM NOT A GHOST, I’d write, and she’d sit there staring at the letters while I watched her. she was stunned by the fact that I was not a ghost.
    The next night I wrote, SARAH PLEASE CONFESS and she wrote back, HAVE I SINNED? and I told her YES SARAH YOU HAVE SINNED and the next night SARAH DO WHAT’S RIGHT and she wrote back MATILDA, MY GOD TOLD ME TO and on the next rail MY GOD IS GOOD.
    Her hands had been shaking when she wrote it. She was like a child scribbling uncertain phrases on the track in that red, red writing. Sometimes she cried while she sat there. Once she was on the tracks and they rumbled because the train was coming and she lay flat out across the rails as if she were already dead. I climbed down from the tree and stood in the bushes and waited as it came closer and closer and then I was about ready to burst forth and move her when she rolled out of the way, down into the ditch so close to me I could hear her breathing ragged and short and heavy and I was terrified because she might hear me or see me but I just watched as she kept on crying. I wanted to rush out and hold her and stroke her hair and say, “Oh, honey,” because we were so young and yet we’d already done so much evil.
    We’d already ruined so much of our lives, thinking how they could end any day. She looked at her wrist at her watch and the words daniel had written all down her arm “you’re mine i love you stay with me please sarah don’t go don’t do this to me please sarah don’t do this sarah i love you sarah stay please sarah you’re mine i own you you’re free with me i can give you wings you can’t leave me sarah i need you.” She had to go. He'd be home soon.
    Post by: Sumi, Nov 19, 2012 in forum: Archives