Search Results

  1. Sumi
    Neutral Evil

    unsurprised fff

    A neutral evil villain does whatever she can get away with. She is out for herself, pure and simple. She sheds no tears for those she kills, whether for profit, sport, or convenience. She has no love of order and holds no illusion that following laws, traditions, or codes would make her any better or more noble.
    Post by: Sumi, Jan 6, 2013 in forum: The Spam Zone
  2. Sumi
    original: apparently you're gawj
    current: @ - @ so cool aaa help

    when i grow up i'd like to either
    a. translate books
    b. become poet laureate (writing more science-y poetry hehe)

    uhm i use dove volume shampoo and redken curl control conditioner then blow dry it upside down for like 20 minutes it's really tedious ;_;
    i haven't played dream drop distance actually ;__; sobbb. but it's pretty wow.

    as far as you'd like?

    of course <3 :3 //hughug

    onions and mushrooms

    thai iced coffee
    original: aaa who's this chica??
    current: who's this chica?? ;__;

    i'd like to be able to flyyyy or shapeshifting would be cool too

    that depends on who you ask hehe

    yesssss i definitely would

    shyaru ui dansu?

    lonely ;_;

    uhmm~ i collect and repair old cameras

    a hug for sure :v

    a bow, as behind me the stage explodes
    Post by: Sumi, Jan 6, 2013 in forum: The Playground
  3. Sumi
    original: wwaaaahh who's this scary dude
    current: awww yeee hayabusa that cooly cools anohana enjoy-er i think he's pretty awesome and caring yay


    no i'm broke

    Bernese Mountain Dog

    croissants yum yum yum <333 i don't thinki can have them anymore now that i'm vegan all of my tearsssss
    REALLY STRESSED AND SLEEPYYYYY but my best friend is coming over today and i'm really excited for that <3

    new year's was great!! uhm my little brother and i ust hung out and ate food and stuff and it was nice also hitting on haseo was fun huhuhu

    orignal: WHO IS THIS GIRL HER GRAPHICS ARE COOL also air gear??? what is that it looks cool too yay she joined my lame forum family <33333 yay sista twista d
    current: omgomgkmgndjdbshs why is this girl so sweet and cute omg can i just cuddle with her forever and ever oh my goshhh whY AREN'T WE BEST FRIENDS sob sob

    of course lovely <3 //hugclingcuddle

    ☆〜(ゝ。∂) ooh qurlllllll

    uhmm hm ash and haseo because they are smart, jayn because she's brilliant and a good manager, GS because he can make the background music, plums because i dunno i like him a lot, fearless because she'd be able to fend off beasts, and dani (cataclysmic-Moira) because she's a badass irl

    Post by: Sumi, Jan 5, 2013 in forum: The Playground
  4. Sumi
    go away ur not welcome here buttface
    Profile Post Comment by Sumi, Jan 2, 2013
  5. Sumi
    Profile Post Comment

    Hello there! :v

    Hello there! :v
    Profile Post Comment by Sumi, Jan 2, 2013
  6. Sumi
    the new year's gonna be so lame omg hate for 2013 it's so unoriginal. doesn't 2013 know the whole year thing has been done before??
    Post by: Sumi, Dec 31, 2012 in forum: The Spam Zone
  7. Sumi
    gimme ur brain chips, oh brazilian babe of the future
    Post by: Sumi, Dec 31, 2012 in forum: The Spam Zone
  8. Sumi
    SO not sober enough to be on khv right now
    love you everyone <3 here's to another GREAT YEAR TOGETHERRRR and more kingdom hearts~~
    Post by: Sumi, Dec 31, 2012 in forum: Community News & Projects
  9. Sumi
    Fluent in English and Spanish, and I know enough Japanese to figure out whatever I need to hahaha (wow really gr8 to hear from the translator right). Also Thai but who even is Thai.
    I also read French and understand most spoken and written German, though I can speak/write neither myself.
    I hope to study linguistics and also work as a profeshhhh translator someday, so. :v For now I just volunteer translating for kids at homeless shelters who only speak Spanish and... translating Japanese stuff on here (telling Krowley he's right about everything p much).
    Post by: Sumi, Dec 31, 2012 in forum: Discussion
  10. Sumi
    john u dork

    These are super cute aaa I love how round and soft everything is in these. The texture is really lovely too and has a great feel to it.
    Post by: Sumi, Dec 31, 2012 in forum: Arts & Graphics
  11. Sumi
    first: ...oh gosh i can't really remember. i first really remember you from calling jayn for her birthday i think and i thought it was cool you dug my pj's.
    current: doctor who and twewy?? sistaaaaaaaa pleaseeee <3 you're hella cool as well as one of the nicest people. and you feel my AP pains hhhhh.

    i will if you'd like!!

    kANJI IS THE WORST I HATE IT. some of it is simple and easy to remember, but most of it is just stupid ad tedious haha. i'm really bad at remembering how to pronounce them :c

    it would depend on the class probably. i've actually had the option with a couple because my grades were so bad last semester oops. but, i really only hate the work in most of the classes and love my teachers and stuff so i'd probably stay in most of them. APUSH: stay, AP Jap: drop, AP Spa: stay, AP Lang: drop. sadly most of the non-AP classes are just wastes of time though so. haha.

    uhm in middle school kids called my Skully because i would wear these fingerless gloves with skulls on them all the time haha. but i don't have classes with any of them anymore. sometimes john calls me roxy irl. my best friend irl calls me a cat sometimes shhh (don't tell ash oh god he'll ship us more).

    hmmmm bourbon because i'm a kentucky girl at heart, even if i was born in another state.

    oh my gosh my theme song would beee.

    ROAD TRIP YEEEE Haseo knows i'm picking him up first. after him, Xaale and Plums. then we all would go to canada to sit outside ash's house with signs until he asks coox on a date.

    I DON'T KNOW??? I MEAN REALLY HE'S KIND OF REALLY SUPER ADORABLE BUT??? HE DOESN'T SEE IT HIMSELF??? you did just use kawaii unironically and i'm so disappointed but i understand and it's okay.

    pointing at one's crotch could also be asking for the time.

    haha!! that's a really interesting one to think about. let me get back to you on that one.


    wut wut about the butt

    hihihihi <3333

    IT'S BEEN OKAY. hhh you know how i get :c restless and depressed and anxious but things haven't been bad!

    i'm not

    YES we should aaaa I miss our fancy phone club :c y'all should readd me because i kinda left out of rage rather than for any good reason ; o ;

    favourite song hmmm... werewolf by cocorosie or lions by tune-yards

    hiiiiiiiiii bby~

    original: who's the lame kid oh he wants to use my avatar I GUESS HE'S OK
    current: qt bb come here let me luv u bububububu you're super sweet and i adoreeee you and i wish we talked more but you know how i am about talking to people dhgfasetfsd

    of course!! idk i don't listen to it much but when i do i enjoy it! my <> is a huuuuge kpop fan aaa dflkgjdas

    YES OBVS???

    its u

    i don't like cake much but either lemon or strawberry :v

    hmmm scarves i wear with more but SWEATERS i just love them <3

    4 eva
    Post by: Sumi, Dec 30, 2012 in forum: The Playground
  12. Sumi
    Profile Post Comment

    sososososo good right <3<3<3

    sososososo good right <3<3<3
    Profile Post Comment by Sumi, Dec 30, 2012
  13. Sumi
  14. Sumi
    here comes santa claus here comes santa claus right down khv lane
    Post by: Sumi, Dec 29, 2012 in forum: The Spam Zone
  15. Sumi
    Profile Post Comment

    I'm counting on it, now haha

    I'm counting on it, now haha
    Profile Post Comment by Sumi, Dec 29, 2012
  16. Sumi
  17. Sumi
  18. Sumi
  19. Sumi
    Profile Post Comment

    Are you a Liverpool fan?

    Are you a Liverpool fan?
    Profile Post Comment by Sumi, Dec 29, 2012
  20. Sumi
    Profile Post Comment

    YNWA <3

    YNWA <3
    Profile Post Comment by Sumi, Dec 29, 2012