"Alright I just wanted to make sure...I worry you know...You're there on my bed hurt...And...Well...I worry you know?..."Seth muttered
OOC: Oh yeah...Sorry I;ve had a huge lack of sleep lately...As for what to do now...Well I'll think on it... BIC: "So you sure you're just soar? No dizziness? Double vision? Anything like that?" Seth asked
"I just remembered...every time there's another in light or dark around...It burns...Which pretty much shows that it was the doing of someone...Now to figure out who...Well some time we'll have to wait until we feel a burning sensation again and question it" Seth sighed
Seth suddenyl remembered what Rosalina and Yamato had said "Has you're chest been burning at all?" Seth asked
Yeah xD ^^...as long as we get a boat in our bottles :lolface:
You mentioned doctor who? I beleive that wa an episode with Daleks...speaking of which
Hello it's free shipping of course it's expensive xD
^ this, definitely this
Has no fear!
Pinconugge-I mean Pinapple
"In that case...It could be anyone...Anyone at all" Seth murmered
I'm sure life is likie a Kiwi
Damn I lost my old pokemon cards D: I'll figure something out... And raceking...What's that rachu he's talking about...isn't it raichu?