Oh I get it...I'm rather slow todayxD ...I'll be glad when we finally have a good PM
Pokemon the first movie: mewtwo strikes back :lolface:
"Now here's a bit of funky "back from the dead" news for everyone. The Sega Dreamcast will soon be coming to an online console store near you. Known for being ultra awesome and ahead of its time with 128 bit graphics and online capabilities, the Dreamcast will be casting its dreams upon us once again. Sega's Dreamcast will spring back to life and will be available on the PlayStation Network and Xbox Live Arcade sometime this fall. Sega has made the announcement just shy of E3 and will have two of the best games for the console available when it comes out. Sonic Adventure and Crazy Taxi have been announced for the time being but more will follow once these games are released. Not falling short in their attempt to revitalize these long lost jewels, Sega has also announced that the games will include improved resolution, surround sound, along with online Leaderboards, Achievements, and Trophies" The source is psp-hacks.com So what is everyone thinking about this? What sort of games are you hoping to come back?
My first kiss
"You always look fine...Though I suppose nice clean clothes suit you better than dirt and blood" Seth laughed "So where to?" Seth asked
That's all well and good...But the theme this month is changing seasons...I don't see anything that even suggests seasons
And it says that where? I'm not seeing it
Seth nodded "You should grab someting to eat...you haven't eaten anything since I saw you this morning" Seth called
It's robot unicorn attac...as gay as it looks...It is so freaking addicting and i cantet the song out of my head...It's crazy man...craaaaaaaaaaazy
Dexters lab the movie
Bruce almighty
good song...i cannot stop listening to this though
"Yeah of course that's fine...You want me to walk you there just in case?" Seth asked
The original poem was much better but when I tried posting it...It died...So this is similar...But I don't think it's as good but hey I tried. EDIT: Another thing that died when I first tried to post was my congratulations to Chevailer...Very well done on the poem it was great man :D flowers, people, leaves and snow. Closing my eyes smelling the Roses. Entranced by the beaty of the Tulips. Dancing through the field of Daisies with a spring in my step. Enhanced by the fresh air of the first season. From Roses and Orchids turn to Asters and Carnations. The summer temperature is up there, the beach awaits. People meeting, making new friends in the quest to turn brown. People greeting the calm sea breeze and sound of waves. The heat makes everything seem more beautifull than usual. From heat and people to cool winds and bright colourull variations. The heat is gone, but still autumn is my favourite season. The leaves falling from the heavens, like the feathers of an angel. The "crunch crunch" of the leaves beneath my feet is melodious to my ears. The cold wind stroking my hair makes me smile warmly. From bright trees and musical crunches to Beautifull white snow and cold expectations. Temperatures less than low, time for hats and gloves. Outside into the brilliant white romantic snow with mist in our breath. We laugh and play with snowballs feeling good against the skin. We slip and slide through the ice falling in love with winter From romantic white snow and laughing to melting snow and flowers. Closing my eyes smelling the Roses. Entranced by the beaty of the Tulips. Dancing through the field of Daisies with a spring in my step. Enhanced by the fresh air of the first season. From Roses and Orchids turn to Asters and Carnations...
"So where are we goin then?" Seth asked smiling
Ah...I'm in an E-relationship right now...Don't really wanna be...But I find it too hard to say no or end the relationship (I am amazingly shy) But she asks me to do...Things I shall not mention through webcam...And sends me naked pictures...I totally dont want a girl like that...Trust me online relationships never end well...Don't do it.
yeah i saw you a couple of times dude ^^ welcoom backs
Book, Ds, laptop and/or movies...best order
"Well...As long as you're carefull...I don't uppose flying puts much physical effort?"Seth asked
yes, yes we MUST it's essential