buy the meanest looking sword you see
"Hmmmmmmm...Maybe something is happening today? Or maybe everyones just busy today" Seth said
well there are also some kh exclusive worlds so they can keep making those...or even use some FF worlds
There are lots of long as they dont turn to high school musical or hannah montannah im happy
yea they do thanks ^^
sigh if only...i get 5 and a half weeks...for once the weathers looking up...and were not even on summer break yet D:
will do ill test em tomorrow
dude ethanks for that..ill be using those tomorrow
True...but the teachers are so bloody good...if one find out about the proxy its bloced straight away
Seth looked around "Good point...For a day like this it's...Oddly quiet." He murmmered
Yeah that's true...I have to use proxies to get on khv at school...I don't get it...theyb block forums...yet are quite happy for people to it...
Well if you intend on having a full collection why not get the ones you loved as a child first...and then finish off by getting the ones on the list?
"You'd be great at making people jump" Seth laughed "Okay lets compromise...We both have awesome powers" only played the game once but the advert cracks me up every time
i dont have time at school and only get an hour or so free time in a day
AHA so I'm not the only one! Whhy deny sounding awesome?
Email...May be an idea...Just gotta figure out what to write without causing too much worry...And I am picking the site over the smoker beleive me thats why I made this, it's not worth it it's just...difficult.
You can fly you'd end upo being a super hero or something...I'd be some lame psycic.
xD sorry bout the late reply...lack of ionternet this weekend -____-"
grapes. to. grapes.