There's no way I'll ever acknowledge that abomination as Spyro. You have got to be kidding me. Enter The Dragonfly was an ennobled beta. It was sick with glitches, less than half the size of its predecessors and it took forever to load. No, I'll stick to my PSX Spyro games, thank you very much.
He makes intelligent comments and has a piercing sight through various matters.
If there was still a console war going on, it's over now.
Gonna play soccer with some friends, brb to buy steroids, guys!
I hadn't read the thread so it wasn't a response to anyone in particular.
The Vines --- Get Free
From Dusk Till Dawn No one believed that I never saw this movie before.
Does it matter? You don't believe in something because you want to believe in it, or because it would have the most beneficial outcome. You believe in something because you think it makes sense and the alternative doesn't.
In practice, the person proposing this is usually drunk as well or at least under the influence. Thus his/her decision-making capabilities are also impaired. So that person may not even be consciously taking advantage of them, i.e. rape them. How will you ever tell the difference? I'll tell you. The line is so dangerously thin that it shouldn't exist altogether. You are responsible for impairing your own judgement. People change upon consuming alcohol, in a number of different ways. They become naive, apathetic, melancholic, angry, euphoric, nasty and often a combination of the aforementioned. Why would they be the victim in one situation and the culprit in all the others? That's exactly the kind of double standard the article is trying to address (even though I didn't read it XD). I got suckered into slashing the tires of a motorcycle after an evening of getting wasted. Got me in a lot of trouble. Do you think I blame the people who talked me into it? No, it was still my decision to do it, and my decision to change the way I think.
Donate a few gallons instead. It will get you to heaven even faster...but not in the way you're thinking of.
If you choose to drink, you have no right to deny the consequences it can have due to a change in behavior. End of story.
You're welcome. I usually don't have an eye for that sort of thing actually. Dumb luck this time, I guess. XD
Thou art absolved.
I voted for beezygee. Xigbar.nom's picture is too small to make a good judgement.
Yeah, I think we have a winner.
Styx. You know it's true.
What? will probably win so my vote goes to P.
My vote goes to gabr. Misty being on there is hilarious, and I don't even know those other two members.
What? especially is way out of my league.
Reptar's basically part of the furniture already.