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  1. Styx
    I've seen this movie before. I love the setting.
    Post by: Styx, Feb 1, 2012 in forum: The Playground
  2. Styx
    The honey badger attacks beehives and shrugs off the inevitable assault of the bees, therefore "he don't care". That being said, honey badgers are primarly carnivorous and prefer vertebrate prey, living or dead, if available.
    Post by: Styx, Jan 31, 2012 in forum: The Spam Zone
  3. Styx
    So, which members are on the blacklist nowadays?
    Post by: Styx, Jan 31, 2012 in forum: The Spam Zone
  4. Styx
    The Bible describes events that no one can have any knowledge of, such as the creation story. No offense, but there's still a fair chance that this story has been made up by someone who had toked too much prehistoric weed. The only way to believe it is by having blind faith in it. Again; what makes unicorns so different? Saying that they're "stupid" is not a satisfactory answer at all, and even comes off as childish.

    Also, if the Bible would be "partially" true, how do you decide which parts are true and which are false? If you know one part to be false, how can you still trust the rest? If I knew a book was lying to me at one point (by which I don't mean an honest mistake, I mean a blatant lie), I'd immediately become wary of the accuracy of said book altogether. That's not even being paranoid; it's a logical and rational response.

    What I'm trying to say is that the common reply of "That's why it's faith, you ought to respect that" is all too easy. Not only is it illogical by definition, it's also inconsistent. What bothers me is that there is no clear-cut way to discern faith from gullibility, which makes me wonder why it should deserve the respected statute that it has.
    Post by: Styx, Jan 29, 2012 in forum: Discussion
  5. Styx
    I don't have any religious belief and I'll never quite dig the whole "faith" thing. If faith is blind, what makes it so different from believing in fairies and unicorns? And if it isn't, what's it based on?
    Post by: Styx, Jan 28, 2012 in forum: Discussion
  6. Styx
    The Midnight Meat Train
    Realistic gore is a plus in my book, but the plot got worse by the minute. Too bad, it actually started well.
    Post by: Styx, Jan 27, 2012 in forum: The Playground
  7. Styx


    I don't see how this is relevant here because Skrillex' solo project isn't exactly a rock band.

    I have a love-hate relationship with dubstep and Skrillex is no different, but at least he managed to sound different from all those other dubstep acts out there. And "First Of The Year (Equinox)" is quite enjoyable...when I'm the mood for it.
    Post by: Styx, Jan 27, 2012 in forum: Music
  8. Styx
    Incoherent though it may be, this collection of one-liners did put a smile on my face. Am I missing something though? You said that this is your original work but I spotted some lines that I've heard before:
    I'm certain Gabriel Garcia Marquez said this, albeit in Spanish.
    Post by: Styx, Jan 27, 2012 in forum: Archives
  9. Styx
    I just read "Not Yet Time". It was a very gripping poem, devoid of fancy imagery and therefore more stifling than most other poems I read. I'm sorry for your loss, if that still means anything at this point. I'll probably read your other pieces somewhere in the future. Keep writing!
    Post by: Styx, Jan 27, 2012 in forum: Archives
  10. Styx
    My favourite lines in this solid piece. While the "thou/thine" speak sounded a bit too heavy at times, it did add to the overall melancholy feeling of the poem so I think it was a good choice after all. It is a simple concept, made sophisticated by your understanding of the drama of longing. Nice work.
    Post by: Styx, Jan 27, 2012 in forum: Archives
  11. Styx
    It's Poetry Day, and since I haven't written anything new for it, you'll have to make do with this (assuming that I have any readers left at all).

    Amber Jazz

    There's one club in town that's never lonely
    A secret that everyone has heard
    The table's ready for just the two of us
    Me and little Hummingbird
    Things are going rather groovy

    Every couple has its song
    And while I don't think ours is the best
    I try not to listen to the others
    Why would I care for people who are not her?
    For music that's not our amber jazz

    Drunk on compliments, we stylize our love
    Make room for personal tics
    All the pairs have turned to their tables
    And all tables have turned to copper
    Her lips track the verses nearing

    This is a warm kind of darkness
    We discover each other with every note
    I know where she'd hide if she were lost
    In this club, in this song
    In this world without words

    My Hummingbird looks as if she's dreaming
    Catching every spore of a sensitive sunrise
    Passion bedded by the musician's dreary schemes
    Weep for the world
    But savor eachother

    Comment: Romantic poems were never my forte, but I can live with this one. Thoughts?
    Post by: Styx, Jan 26, 2012 in forum: Archives
  12. Styx
  13. Styx
  14. Styx
    Bonecrusher --- Remember
    Post by: Styx, Jan 25, 2012 in forum: The Playground
  15. Styx
  16. Styx
    Hole --- Doll Parts
    Post by: Styx, Jan 25, 2012 in forum: The Playground
  17. Styx
  18. Styx
    Angel Witch --- Angel Witch
    Post by: Styx, Jan 24, 2012 in forum: The Playground
  19. Styx
  20. Styx