that i'd derep him until he was in the red. So anything new happen today?
“Thank you Demetrio. Our plan is complete. Now we shall power up the machine.” Slade announced. Slade walked over and turned the contraption on. “Pyro charge the machine. we'll need plenty of power to bring her back” There stood the former living Terra. Set down on a platform and linked the monstrous machine. Pyro shot flame energy through the links to charge the machine. The machine was nearly done already due to Pyro's emotional troubles. Pyro pushed harder with his powers until the light went yellow. Slade told his mechanical minions “Arm the memo blaster. We'll need to implant the memories” As soon as the machine was powered Terra was revived but unconscious.
watching tv. getting ready for school so i'm going to have to sign out.
actually it's noobs=/=annoying noobs=/=alts=/=bars of soap
sleepy. you?
sleepy. got my first verbal warning for threatning Vanitas but i'm feeling ok. How was work.
whatever. it's your choice or not. You can either say your sorry about using the R word and saying the word Gay as something otherthan the actual...
Vanitas- 1 jewel-1 year membership Rose-4 jewels- 1 year membership _______________________________________ Vanitas- can take and give only 2...
Good morning. how'd you sleep?
I've got to sing out. Goodnight Jacob. I hpe work goes well.
Sleepy. I gotta go to bed soon so I can be ready for volunteer work tomorrow. I'll talk to you on thursday or tomorrow morning. Ok? *hugs back*
Hi, how are you?
volunteer work? That's what I'm doing. I'm a flag girl for the parade.
OOC: It's fine with me but don't have him literally talk. that's my job. I'll be logging back out until Demetrio gets to the base
Thats' good. I'm just used to myspace that's all. Sory that I was so mean yesterday. Not going to go into detail but it was that time of the month...
Well i was just saying it ahead of time because I get complimented alot. So how are you?
you can post it it'll be easier to keep track of but if you've got a plot twist then pm me so we can discuss
16,000LP no prohibition You first no animes even COD and COS. hand refill no exodia-obviously no gods I want it to be like the duel i had with Deaheart. The reason i don't want any animes is because 1. seal oricalcos will make me stronger. 2 it'll make it harder for us to send monsters to our grave.
Pardon me for my stupidity but what is this “rick-rolling” you speak of?