True Love Survives Death my love, an angel by sight. my feelings for her surpass life, they say true love will depart after death, but our love is stronger than that. My love, my life, my beloved Cierra.
well that sucks. I had a funny day because in 7th hour the last peeiod of the school day my class would noit shut up so the biggest guy in my...
ojama country switched the attack and defense before I destroyed Zoma then the ojama country card itself
dueling. Terra is finally brought back in the TT thread. Demetrio-AmericanSephiroth finally replied soooo Bad guys won. How was your day? Anything...
I negate and destroy royal decree with 7 tools of the bandit any my facedown Zoma the spirit and crush cardto destroy your monsters before they attack me. Now I Activate 2 zoma he spirits (my facedowns and tribute them to summon Red ogre and I activate his effect and send one card from my hand to the grave to send ojama country to the grave. Now I play card destructionand I get 2 cards back and I remve from play Dark magician of chaos,red eyes zombie dragon and red eyes zombie dragon to sp. summon Dark armed Dragonnow I play card of demisenow I play dimesnion fusion to sp. summon DMOC and 2 red eyes. Now that DMOC was brought back I bring back card of demsie to my hand Now I attack you directly with my monsters. fiurst the 1st red eyes you-5600 then Dark armed dragon you-3800 then DMOC you-1000 then the last red eyes you-0000
Hiya. How are you?
I'm actuially left with 500lp actually. Ojama country flipped Armed dragons too. I activate 3 kuribohs to defend me. Now I play Harpies feather duster and play card of sancity and I activate 3 of my facedowns 3 zoma the spirits now I activate my other face down crush card since the zoma attack has been switched they now have 800 attack making it perfect to tribute one. Your field is destroyed along with your hand possibly for the next 3 turns. I play card destruction and sp. summon 2 Silvas and I remove from play vampire's curse, vampire lord, and dark grephor to sp. summon Dark armed Dragon now I tribute the two silvas to summon Red Ogre I play card of demise now I play black magic ritual to sp. summon Magician of Black Chaos by using the two zomas as offeringsnow I activate my facedown spell-shattering arrow to destroy ojama countryNow I attack with Magcian of black chaos dealing 2800 lp dmage you-5200 me-8000 then Dark armed dragon dealing 2800 lp damage you- 2400 then Red ogre dealing 2800 more dmage you-000
if you mean the downloaded game then yes. You can also mod the avatar because I play as Riley
Um. ok. I set 5 facedowns and end my turn.
I used a custom pokemon maker and got the required pixels or size and replaced and I added it to the game. I also added Mewthree, Mewthree X,...
Thje duel arena is dying so Petru and I will be having a duel. it's 8000lp no animes except COS and COD. Hand refill and He's first
Press L+R to activate. Put your least wanted pokemon in the 1st slot. 94000130 FCFF0000 B2101D40 00000000 E00000B4 000000EC ABB22C2E 1B0E0000 B59E8223 E4319D13 B7137285 D379CD49 00B23B76 23A7BC01 E7BE2CC5 4DC39364 ECCE20C4 CB400992 C4E2E24C 8C0CAD69 207C8042 FF869533 D1B6D2C8 95D8DD76 569AFFA7 B4670F26 8620C617 5E34314F D2BA4AC8 421BE0C6 723E0D49 03588646 A9A3118A EC7784D7 4CD798DC 3F8A5355 75927E65 4E8A4CB1 3CB7D9DE 36624D0F 55423DE7 C9852253 51A59710 1405CE19 04C7FBC2 CD530CFF C9FA6393 F52B0C59 A9CBD6DB 22B2FACC 9363DF20 3672EFDB C8308ACA 28A1B8C1 5DC4F81A 77A99E81 F9FC9B59 FAE4793A 2D64B453 1DA7A4BF 0FDAA706 C681AA66 03702B97 6EC4B420 C1968985 00000000 D2000000 00000000
Well i'm respnding to the rep. romHacks have hex digits as well and if you have pokesav. on the top right corner of the edit pokemon there's a...
Hex editing is easy once you get the hang of it. On pokemon platinum i traded a shadow lugia from my rom to the actual slot. You just have to get the right hex values. Thanks anyway. I'll try and hack it myself with my hacking program.
Oh well the homophobic girl at my school moved so something new happened to me. And your day?
Pyro finally stopped his fiery attacks at the machine's charging cord and passed out. The mechanical minions picked him and took him to his room. Slade turned off the machine and said “finally. 2 puppets under my control. A Robin with fake memories and Terra soon to have hers too.” Slade commanded his minions to shoot Terra with the memo gun. As soon as the gun was turned on and aimed Terra had been brainwashed with the fake memories that are shared with Pyro. OOC: Your up Garxena. We got Terra back and she's evil once again for now. I'll pm you the plot twist.
Can someone answer this for me. I'd really like to know if this idea would work but isit possible to have a location mod too so we could recreate the Xion vs. Riku at Beast's castle?
Happy birthday to Trizzle13. I read his myspace and his birthday is Friday the13th so happy birthday!!
If you saw the TGS 09 trailer then you might remember this but the meeting place where Vanitas and MX were sitting. That room got me thinking. Is that place a castle? If so then it might be the organization's castle because even when Xehanort threw Ansem out of his castle and casted his body to darkness. Why didn't he stay at that castle. So that leads to me thinking that Xehanort/Xemnas regained his memory as either Terra, MX, or Vanitas and went in search of his old “home” which is the nobody castle. any comments/thoughts?