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  1. Nuff' Said
    Profile Post

    Welcome to KHV. :D

    Welcome to KHV. :D
    Profile Post by Nuff' Said for Nikey161, Nov 15, 2009
  2. Nuff' Said
    stuff like annorexia, baleamic, balamerexia
    Post by: Nuff' Said, Nov 15, 2009 in forum: The Spam Zone
  3. Nuff' Said
    my conscious mind....falling
    my mind soon to be shattered
    Life is mirror which reflects your true self
    All I am is just a monster

    My spirit long gone
    my love too far away to grasp
    why is that I'm like this?
    this pain..unbearable

    A broken heart is what I received
    but she was always apart of me
    my true love but she's faded away
    into the depths of my memory

    Beyond thought,
    There is a forgotten promise to keep
    She is my life and I will help her through any strife
    but all that means nothing now

    She's dead and those closest to me are now distant
    Why is it that your god took her from me?
    She was an angel by sight and mind
    She was perfect to my eyes

    Yet you took her away from me
    pain is inevitable but suffering is optional
    I chose to suffer
    now my life shall end

    I went to kitchen to fetch wood
    by the dock I stood
    I jumped off the dock
    tied to the wood by a lock

    I must die so I can see her again
    my beloved Ciara if only death kept it's promises...

    Here what I call home
    my friends, family, and love
    then I left that world

    i realized the pain, sorrow and hardship of life
    darkness was how I made it through
    darkness aided me in times I needed it most
    i feared the light then

    Feared the judgement I would receive
    I just didn't know how to get through
    Until I met her
    She was a light i could not fear

    She is alight that I treasure and care
    what I began to feel was love
    i finslly accepted the light
    and turned my back on darkness

    but it will always be there
    my darkness, burden, and darkside
    will it ever disappear?

    Darkness has shrouded the light I have
    it's been 6 months since she died
    her love was a haven for my soul
    the only light I have are my memories of her

    I loved her greatly
    she was my life
    and she helped me through alot of things
    with her there was no strife

    To lose one's love can destroy someone
    love and memories are what make us whole
    what i call a heart was something I lost long ago
    I had casted away my feelings to darkness

    Hearts are born and end in darkness
    yours is no different
    yet you understand so little
    bengs of light are not her to save you

    the light you call god is a myth
    you see when you cast your soul to darkness
    there'sa supposed light to save it
    from what I saw there was a weakling

    He was swallowed by darkness
    and he remains silent
    he toys with our lives
    causing many strives

    He took her from me
    yet you still love him dearly
    If only you knew what I felt
    this darkness raditaing from my shattered heart

    He rendered me emotionless
    a shell of what I once was
    a being of pain, sorrow and anger
    darkness helped him live

    grief does cause us pain as always
    but it destroys us in the end​
    Post by: Nuff' Said, Nov 15, 2009 in forum: Archives
  4. Nuff' Said
    The codebreaker is the good cheat device so if it doesn't work then i'd consult one of the coders.
    Post by: Nuff' Said, Nov 15, 2009 in forum: Code Vault
  5. Nuff' Said
    Welcome to KHV General.
    Profile Post by Nuff' Said for general67, Nov 15, 2009
  6. Nuff' Said
    Profile Post

    G'night^.^ *hugs back*

    G'night^.^ *hugs back*
    Profile Post by Nuff' Said for ^_^Xion^_^, Nov 15, 2009
  7. Nuff' Said
    Profile Post

    Your welcome>^_^<

    Your welcome>^_^<
    Profile Post by Nuff' Said for ^_^Xion^_^, Nov 15, 2009
  8. Nuff' Said
  9. Nuff' Said
  10. Nuff' Said
    if your using GS2 V1.3 then that's why. It's the crappiest version you can get. Try jokering it. that's what i'd reccomend and joker different keyblades and see which one works with SP KK.
    Post by: Nuff' Said, Nov 15, 2009 in forum: Code Vault
  11. Nuff' Said
  12. Nuff' Said
  13. Nuff' Said
  14. Nuff' Said
  15. Nuff' Said
  16. Nuff' Said
    When Terra crashes into you on his hi-speed mode. the thing he's driving is the same type of vehicle that Ven rides in Deep Space in the TGS 09 trailer.

    Even though it's the same composer. that doesn't mean much because look at the music fights between Roxas and Xion. If not that then Repliku and Xion. complete difference in music.

    As for the attacks they both specialize in beam attacks and like the person above me said. The org. 13 characters have changeable weapons so the beam attacks would change color as well
    Post by: Nuff' Said, Nov 15, 2009 in forum: Kingdom Hearts HD II.5 ReMIX
  17. Nuff' Said
  18. Nuff' Said
    He activated Royal decree before he attacked so i was still at 8000lp then i negated royal decree with 7 tools bringing me to 7000 then i activated zoma. att and def was switched before he attacked i activated crush card and offered the still low attack zoma and destroyed his monsters before they attacked
    Post by: Nuff' Said, Nov 15, 2009 in forum: The Playground
  19. Nuff' Said
    I haven't been playing since I was 3. I've been playing since I was 7
    Post by: Nuff' Said, Nov 14, 2009 in forum: The Playground
  20. Nuff' Said