Well one you stopped using which was ancient rules and the other is her handy dandy prohibition card.
actually it was 2 cards and I can quote her from MSN.
I just told you. In february my screename will be Nuff' Said for two weeks.
just give her a chance to say sorry. she hasn't signed in because I told her not to.
Nuff' Said
i've got to sign out so ttyl.
i've got to sign out but be sure to tell me if there's a problem with it.
Remnant Character Sheet Name-Rachael Valentine Age- 16 Gender - girl Picture of Character- my avvy Personality - Calm and pities the naive. She carries a double sided coin which she uses to decide wether or not to kill someone Weapon - Kingdom Key and heart unlocker. Powers/Magic - What Kind of powers/Magic does your character possess? Drought of life, Darkness Lust, Heartless Angel Character History- Her parents were killed in a fire by fat bandits but for some reason “shadows” spared her and soon took care of her. For 7 years she learned magic and expert swordmastery from the heartless until she took a DTD to Hollow bastion where she met the love of her life Ciara. Unfortunately Rachael's darkness attracted the heartless and the heartless killed Ciara. Now Rachael is bent on revenge on Sora and other keyblade wielders for not slaying the heartless. Her hatedrove her mad.
I'll check em out. RP arena?
Are they active? Are they still accepting because I need to find an active one.
Quite the opposite. I was taken off my anti-depressants so go figure. Any cool RP's you've found?
well that's involuntary. So how are you?
watching Charlie and the chocolate factory. you?
watching Charlie and the Chocolate factory. you?
Hairy, Undeserving, Smelly, Bit**y, A$$holes, Nitwit, Dumb
I got the link on youtube and as long as you can edit the hex values to match the model it should work fine because i've done that to my pokemon...
not even funny. that's not what wives are for.
Slade paced back and forth and said “Terra will need to be guarded while Pyro rests. The titans will be coming any moment”
They require dumps just so you know. I've been working on a play as Ven code but it's getting harder and harder. Hex editing that damn code will...
Aww c'mon Link. I wanna hear about yours too.