Ok but some of the codes there can only be made with Trainer toolkit and Taxihan.
nope. lesbian ;)
tired. In case you didn't know i'm not with Mimiru anymore. i'm with Captain Sparrow
D_: You haven't message me in ages D:
Winter fromal dress Spoiler and halloween costume before Cierra edited it. Spoiler i think I just drooled
Well after the Darkside fight Xemnas says something like "Again you sleep"
k thanks. I'll get a mod to lose this
Weellll you do have 1 enemy :Awesome: We talked about that person earlier
Hiiiiiiiiiiii how you been?
who's your enemy? HV? I guess I'll bust my customs out too.
Carpet tells Genie that he saw someone he recognized. So he thought Roxas was Ven so it looks like we go to agrabah and Ven gets to know Carpet
yes, halleleuha. Finally get to team up with Jaden. The Twilight Duelist is ready
so the head above Esquar's isn't Vanitas?
No-Cupcakes Allowed D_:
His recent post made me laugh. Except for the threatning to kill HV but it was funny
new usertitle ^_^
I've found Vanitas' face. Look at the bottom right (as instructed by mike) and you'll see Vanitas' face. It looks just like terra's
Not to Toshi. He's my favorite troll. he's my ducky
actually I am. You can go to Petru's intro thread dumbvass. I can get you the link