Sex In The Snow OMFG DON'T CHANGE MY NAME YET! lol jk.
hmm I might scratch my current Name Change request and change it to KissingInTheRain instead O:
You be hawt as evar, yo. O: Haha, Nice shirt, bud.
Other: SexayGal.
Aghhh i had that like a week ago, it was so annoying
mehhh so how are ya?
Soooooo blah, brb i did an emo edit on one of my pics lawl.
i'm pretty sure i might've just won. but i doubt it.
True dat, yo fosho D:
My sig is pretty nub xD i need to get some new lyrics
You better look at my post, people B|
I accuse Fayt.
Oh my, same here xDDD
Yayyyy xDDD I've always had suspicions of me being a stalker also. B|
Rawrrrr Let's go on a rebellion D:
Oh totallyyyy, You just seem sooooo much like a stalker to me lol. xD
I need a fucking day off...
Spamzone thing, If Kira knows my first name he can kill me or something, whatever xD
No, I haven't. I don't study for tests. But I do know what it's like to be in such a bad mood to not be able to sleep and yet still be tired as hell.
My hair? xD Wellllll I would tell you my name if it weren't for that Death Note Game. xDD