This is a hard selection.... Kid Hero?!?!? D':
And the feeling is mutual towards you.
I am curious as to who "he" is O:
haha xDDD
Whatever shall i do now???
I think i'm getting jealous of this guy.
*shoots in the face*
Crying is like... Bad. But happiness is good :D
Famous like Chuck Norris? :P
I guess not O: Hmmmm it must be someone that posted pretty dang early in this thread O:
This must be quite the boy if you like him this much. o:
I always post like this, silly goose.
Indeed, we'd all like to know. :P
Such violence over such a blessed and lucky boy.
o: *kiss* xDDD
why yes, yes it is :'D
Is not completely fucking amazing
I'm doin' grrrrrreat :'D
How you doiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiin'? ;DDDDD
Rawwwwwwwwwwwrrrrrrr :P