Let's make it faster. ;]
No, you're a dude magnet, silly.
*lick* Dididoitrite? >:
Aight here's the deal: Obama=Will get shot. McCain=Will croak. Biden=Complete moron. Palin=Dumb bitch. Sorry normality, I'm voting for Jesus.
haha i love you too
I like girls :D
What about your ass? ;D jaayyy kay
If all of KHV met, there'd be a huge orgy. Not gunna lie.
Oh my D: But i be oogly, fer sure >: anywhos Girl: Roxasissomebody (bet you didn't see that coming, in more ways then one ^^) Boy: Shades, all the way baby ;D
WHO IS THIS SAINT YOU SPEAK OF?!?! i'm jealous of him )':
I heard he died by natural causes. D:
Click1 Click2 Click3 ^whatahomosexual.
Only a fewww? D:
One: huh? O.o and Two: Why'd everyone stop posting... lol.
*pounces on you* ;D lol.
you if you come over ;D lol... But nothing planned so far :P
Sick? Or did something happen?
nope, it's the truth, baby ;D
you sure? "...." usually means not fine D: