The last dream I had involving KHV involved getting pushed off a boat and drowning. I do dream about you guys rather often...
I miss mixt's old avatar, I think it was from Gaia or something. That's still how I imagine him
That's okay, I somehow never realized it was "Diddy's Kong Quest" and not "Diddy Kong's Quest" for like, ten years.
---------- But that argument is invalid, because no matter how well you think you know someone, you still only know the idea of them that you have...
---------- And when you take those measurements, you do so subjectively. Using an eye and using a microscope are functionally the same action and...
Provide support for this statement, please.
I read that as "Chain of doritos"
Why don't I get to be a coder? I mean, can you make your text look like this? Writing this script wasn't easy.
Unnecessary apostrophes.
Oh, and I said this in my last post: That last part has definitely opened my mind up a bit and made me more understand the value in practicalism.
Dammit, I already replied to this. I guess it didn't go through. :/ Retyping... ---------- Like I said, it would be technical in both cases. Did...
I was also raised by a single mother (For the majority of my life). I wish I was not. I often needed fatherly advice and had nowhere to go.
I'd like to know what you think about this. As a bisexual, this is the one part of my sexuality that I still have struggles with. I want kids. I want them very much. And there is the possibility that I end up with a man. And if that happens, my only options for kids are adoption and surrogacy. However, I do not know if I am okay with the idea of two men (Or two women) raising a child. I tend to think that a child deserves both a mother and a father, and by adopting that child, I take away a possibility that the child could have that. What do you think?
Depends on the person. There is no "Should". If you like nature, spend all the time with it you please. If you don't, then don't. That's the nice thing about living in a modern world.
I'm with Hayabusa on this one. But to answer the question, yes it falls under fair use. Fair use is generally concerned with making sure it doesn't present the owner from getting money and covers do not.
---------- As they can change in reality, but it is technical in both. The way in which the dream can change is still limited, so there is...
Crush, in all flavors, is disgusting. Plebeians...
Too bad I ate it.
Of course I do, everyone on this site is freaking gorgeous.