That wouldn't be very Tenzin like now would it? Dear nephew, where were you dared? The ToD thread in the playground has been dead for like a month
I'm just curious honestly. And if you want me to be really honest, I find your intelligence and general manner of speaking quite sexy, and am...
---------- Then you probably shouldn't judge someone who would feel the same about someone in their dreams as inherently wrong... There are all...
---------- It depends on whether or not you consider them a friend, doesn't it? Or what you consider a friend. Some people would label your...
...I wanna go meet you guys! D: Also, cabbage guy, I'd buy your cabbages any day. And Rayku, I can't even take your manliness
---------- Wrong, you say? Wrong in what way? Technically games are made by people and it is still interaction with a person. It could therefore...
---------- Yes, but it is only neglect if your friends think it is. The game personality does not experience the time gap so it not the same as...
...username history....
For what it's worth Makaze, if it's worth anything to you at all, I like you very much and I frankly could not imagine this place without you. You keep this place very interesting and it is a delight to talk to you.
Jesus. I guess I'm just spoiled as a Southern Californian. Here it's a big deal if it gets under 45.
Oh my dear lord, I could never 0_() SO COLD! How can you live like that?
---------- Let's say that full-on 3D alternate reality games were created where you could basically have a dream that was a game. You turn your...
Well, it's Southern California, so you wake up in the morning and it's unbearably cold so you grab a jacket, then like four hours later it's...
You are cute, but I think you would benefit from a haircut. Did you take that picture with a potato?
Yes, yes there are celebrations to be had! QUICK THINK OF SOMETHING TO TALK ABOUT
You are most certainly not! After I died, I was reborn as you. You are me.
And a beautiful dare it was. You really couldn't have picked a better Avatar name. Now I may be dead but I am your uncle, and I demand that you...
MY NEPHEW. I'm so proud of you.
Yes, we're particularly looking forward to the hot tub because we're sure it'll remind of us the time we(4 17+ year old men) stuffed into one...
Hey, it's my reincarnation!