And here's a picture in which I look terrible We're now thinking about Sora and Roxas seriously, but the finances are a bit of an issue.
Lust. Not even a joke. I can't look at a human being without imagining how many different ways I'd like to bone them.
No Final Mix 3D? Sadface. Still though, this is exciting. pleasedontletitbeforthevitapleasedontletitbeforthevitapleasedontletitbeforthevitapleasedontletitbeforthevitapleasedontletitbeforthevita
I just spent hours on web archive trying to find the old Gaia avatar, no dice. Lots of nostalgia though.
Kota had to object. "Your highness," He said. "My brother is worried about me, but he is wrong. I can fight. I have been training for years, and I am a better waterbender than he is. I will do whatever I have to to help in this war." Kota could feel his brother's furious eyes on him, but he didn't care.
Do you still make cosplay props? If so could you give me an estimate for two kingdom keys?
Myst and I are both going to comic con and we're not sure what to cosplay. We want to go as two people from the same anime/game/media/whatever, but we aren't sure who to go as, there's lots of problems. Some of my thoughts: Mako and Bolin-Problems: I don't have the skin for Mako, he isn't quite fat enough to be Bolin Stein and Soul from Soul Eater-Problems: I don't have the skin for Stein, Stein and Soul aren't exactly related, I *could* be Kid, but I REALLY don't have the skin for him. Sora and Roxas-Problems: He's already been Roxas, I can't grow my hair enough for Sora in time, I'd have to wig it. Pit and Dark Pit-Problems: I don't have the skin, neither of us have the hair Hope and Snow-Problems: I don't have the skin for Hope, he hates Snow. Just brainstorming. I don't know what to do. Ideas?
I actually like the idea of my own button though, I'm going to work on that. "Clickelm = this.value" is the default onclick for the qr_submit...
Oh wait nevermind it's working...weird.
Kato looked up at his brother, unable to believe what was being said. He thought he was going to be scolded, sent straight home immediately. He supposed the situation was too serious for that. He decided not to question it. "Yes..." said Kota. "Just...just what is going on here?" He immediately wish he hadn't said that so weakly, so childishly.
Ha, I like that one. I'll use it. Amazingly, the script isn't working for me. You installed it to Chrome, right?
Kota had slept too long. He woke up and got out of the bus, and looked for his brother. He found him, standing, looking confused with two slips. He walked up to him. He decided not to say anything, figuring he should assess his brother's shock first.
That is also true. I hate the tax system and that you cannot choose where your tax money goes.
That's very true. But I'm not an anarchist and do not believe I will be arrested before (or after) I can pay the debts. You don't believe you'd...
I see. Cost-to-reward really depends on the university and major. For instance, I'm majoring in computer science at UCSD, total amount of money I...
What do you do for money, if you don't mind me asking?
I didn't know that...thank you, Makaze. I'd rep you but I can't.
I'm more interested in having a job than anything else, and the piece of paper is going to help out with that.
First of all, I love you. Second, how in the motherloving hell does that work when the text box is named "cke_source cke_enable_context_menu" and not "cke_source"?
I have trouble learning things online or through books, it's much easier for me to learn in a classroom environment. Plus, the main thing is that...