I'm pretty sure it was facing the other way...Didn't it have green eyes? Wasn't the pentagram green too? I don't remember the twin swords either...
Kota considered what the king said. After what the Fire Nation had done to his parents, Kai had always had a grudge against the fire nation, said that he needed to destroy them. And Kota, being his brother, had always agreed. But hearing the Earth King speak, Kota began to think. Would it be right to simply attack the Fire Nation like his brother wanted to? Sure, the Fire Nation had struck the first blow, but wouldn't attacking now make Kota and Kai just like them? Maybe the Earth King was right. Maybe attacking wasn't the right thing to do. Maybe, like his waterbending style, Kota was better off just settling down and helping defend. But he could not question his brother. He would have to talk to him about this later. Kota fell to his knees. "I apologize for my behavior, your highness," He said, "And I apologize once more on behalf of my brother. Could you please tell me where I could join the resistance?"
I would love to be in anyone's podcast! Let me know if you'd like me. I also nominate Myst to be in whatever one I'm in. Don't worry, he'll say yes.
I guess it's more of an insecurity thing than anything else. I just feel like if I cosplay a character I don't have the skin for people are going to think it's weird. Not that I think that way of other people, but still.
You need to post every joke you make as an Amon standup comedy picture.
And I feel more comfortable cosplaying characters who I have skin for... Male Maka? What? I think I need to read the manga now...
She's a girl. A very naughty girl. No male would hide their gender.
I really love nicknames within group of friends. I don't like it when it's forced, like 'HEY GIVE ME NICKNAME', but when it just happens, it's great. I have been Jesus the Taco on a Stick, and we have a friend in our group named The Invisible Child.
[IMG] You need to use this as a reaction at some point
Tell her, not me :P
Except it isn't like that at all since Halo was a first party game. As a third party company SE is allowed to develop for whoever they want. They should make the next KH game multiplat, in my opinion, to reach out to all of the fans they've made.
http://www.kh-vids.net/showthread.php?115204-Cosplay-props finished product is further down in the thread
I know what you guys mean about skin color but...I just, I don't know, I prefer to cosplay characters that I have skin for, that's all. It just feels more "Right". I totally respect not feeling that way but I just prefer it. Haha thanks Wolfie, I'm not gonna lie I'm still pretty proud of my Sokka. I would have done it again this year, but I would have had to grow my hair out again and that sucked last time, I absolutely hate having long hair, and I look even worse with long hair than I normally do (And I know that seems like it's impossible, but it's not). Plus, having a mohawk for months afterward was a bit strange. Anyway we've decided on Sora and Roxas! ...my legs are a little bit insanely hairy for Sora, but oh well.
It's Slaughtermatik. I'm really not on it much these days though, so please just alert me of the next TOD match, be it on MSN or Skype
There's a difference between proud and prideful. There's nothing wrong with being proud when it's warranted, but being prideful is always bad
Shut up and let's get down to business.
That sounds awesome, thank you Wolfie. *e-hug*
I'm really not too sure. Price is sort of an issue for my friend so I'm just trying to look at all of the options we have available. The cheapest...
By Comic Con, July 12. But I'd need to know if I (I should say we but I'll probably end up paying for both lololol) can afford them first.