From the kh2 intro. Lost em all when I got a new computer and ONLY transferred the music and a few programs. Not one of my better decisions, but...
Naaaaw. SO poetic. And this is why you are awesome. Thnx btw. Made it for KHI cuz I lost all my cool avys and had to stick with 100x100 so I made...
Yeah, V-Day does that to people. That last part was beautiful btw. Did you make that up or is that from someone's writings?
Of course. I put you through a lot of **** so I feel like I owe it to you :3 Ugh, I hate being single. And right after hitting my 1 year. ;_;
You're mom would kill you if you got an msn? SHE NEEDS TO GET WITH THE TIMES! Im alright. c: Finished some art and havent done any of my...
Well you never get angry at people unless you have good reason, as most people do. You've made a few of these threads in the past and you obviously care, but you don't have to go to such lengths to make peace with yourself. We all accept you. I personally think you're a sweetheart, so don't beat yourself up. c:
I think gauges are cool, but not like huge ones. Being able to pass a sausage through your ear isn't a major sign of intelligence.
I feel like your threads are funny, though I'm too stupid to understand them.
I don't know why you are. You're probably the most likable thing in this thread right now.
Bam-a-lam Mad World - Tears for Fears
Well I can tell you right now that I don't like you. :B|:
Just watched It Might Get Loud (documentary on Jack White from the White Stripes, Jimmy Page, and the Edge from U2 working together and what not).
You best get me something while you're there. I knew you were going, but I didn't know it'd be this soon. Have fun with your class or whoever's going with you.
Opinions on Louis XIV? Given the opportunity, what single moment in history would you change? Do you miss your Light avy? How many children do you have? Do you have a perpetual energy device?
1. Go to the Fix/Uninstall Program place 2. Highlight the program 3.Shift + Alt + F13
I got 3 jawbreakers the size of Muhammad Ali's fist. I'm sick and don't feel like eating them so what should I do with them?
Hahaha **** you
Ball sacs.
Well get a ****ing msn. You used to be awesome up until you left and we didn't talk for months on end. Regardless, HOW ARE YOU.