Heh. Thanks for Adopting me Oblivion. ^^. Now to read more about the Siginature thingy.
Santa Clause was probebly made up by some guy in a long time ago who was Part ****** Part monkey. All I know is that Santa as been around forever. Wounder if the Dinosuars believed in him...? Anyway, what was the proof, why is it gone?
I only saw an Episdoe, IT WAS CRAPPY! No Jack in it...TT.TT. If that is the final thing of SG-1, I am severly disapponited at that episode. And the Series, that had a good plot to keep going on, but they had just to end it.
OOC: First, you don't have a Bio, Second, I am keeping the Yonbi for a plot. ONce it is over, It'll go to whomever.
OOC: ....No futher Comments.
Ooc: Get On Mike!!!!!!!! Grrrrrrrrrr
OOC: Best Post Mate...Lol
Mine are pretty much in my sig, but here is my main old one.
OOC: You person is an Hyuuga, so there is your answer.
OOC: Yes...you don't need to ask me.
I agree, Go'uld were mor realistic and the Cute little Replicators were to. I hate the Ori though. All they are is some freaks with Tatoos, the Asgeard are cooler. I can only watch Season 10 on my Ipod so yeah, I'm downloading the Sereis Finally. O'Neill was the best, he's funny, hopefully he'll be in the Finally.
Ohhh! I saw this move last night! It was soooooo good! Anyone else see it? It defitinaly kept going from Die Hard, Die Hard 2: Die Harder, and Die Hard With a Vengenance. ^^
Me when I was five years old.
OOC: ^^ Yesh..
OOC: Call Me Supers. >.>
OOC: I know, I'm in the process of making him or her.
A little Kid who is obsessed with trying to catch rain.
OOC: *Yawms*
OOC: Morning...I'm still asleep.
" You wouldn't understand, because of the Creature that was sealed into Kiba when he was a small child. He has almost infinate Chakra. Plus his seal stops him from controling it. " Likosa said as he saw Kiba pick them mission.