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  1. Yagaskardig
    OOC: Lol, thanks. I take it DeathSight is joined also? He is the First Creator, but, I was with him all the way...wish Recount was here...-Sigh-. Lemme type up[ a new bio...

    Name: Kludd Torishima
    Age: 18
    Gender: Male
    kKekke Genkai: Kludd is able to grow Great Grey's wings. Which gives him flight so he can quickly dodge, doing this, he can also, transform in a Great Grey Owl and attack from above.
    Home Village: Village Hidden in the Hurricane.
    Apperiance: Kludd has thick, shiney white hair. He is fairly tall as he is 6'7 tall. He is fairly muscular and wears a white kimino. Which, shows off his chest a little bit.
    Personality: Kludd is usally Agressive and wants to destroy alot of innocent lives.
    History: No one really knows except that Kludd has fought the Jinchuuriki of the Kyuubi.
    Other: He is in NeoThunder
    Post by: Yagaskardig, Oct 2, 2007 in forum: Retirement Home
  2. Yagaskardig
    OOC: Is the Orginal Creator allowed to join?
    Post by: Yagaskardig, Oct 2, 2007 in forum: Retirement Home
  3. Yagaskardig
    OOC: Hehe, Imma go look for a New Anime to watch..
    Post by: Yagaskardig, Aug 10, 2007 in forum: Retirement Home
  4. Yagaskardig
    Hola! Morning.
    Post by: Yagaskardig, Aug 10, 2007 in forum: Forum Families
  5. Yagaskardig
    OOC: It's cry...YOU SISSY!!!!! * Thwacks Anime Style * Baka...
    Post by: Yagaskardig, Aug 10, 2007 in forum: Retirement Home
  6. Yagaskardig
    OOC: Yes he does, he Pwns baby and then he Pwns Super 17, then OWNS Syn Shenron when he fuses to make...Super Saiyan Four Super Gogeta.
    Post by: Yagaskardig, Aug 9, 2007 in forum: Retirement Home
  7. Yagaskardig
    OOC: Yes I do...Baby Vegita from DBGT
    Post by: Yagaskardig, Aug 9, 2007 in forum: Retirement Home
  8. Yagaskardig
    OOC: Sam, want me to post first?
    Post by: Yagaskardig, Aug 9, 2007 in forum: Retirement Home
  9. Yagaskardig
    Kiba slowly drank from a cup as he sat in his dorm. He had heard that a Tonkana was coming, with a Bijuu. He was excited, a Tokana was form HIS village, so he waited to met him, he was told it was a boy coming...
    Post by: Yagaskardig, Aug 7, 2007 in forum: Retirement Home
  10. Yagaskardig
    OOC: Low, I am giving you once chance to clean up your Roleplay so it is Different teh the RSF. If you do constant Romance your out of the thread...Mike shouldn't have even invited you...and since this is my only post here, here you go everyone...* Smirks Evily * Oh, and you have the Gobi my dear Sam.


    " Well, seems as the School is getting many, many new Jinchuuriki? I think they might be put into pairs. Well? " Cloud asked calmly as he stood on the index finger.

    " No...There are some, but they aren't of any concern. The only real threats is Shade, Kori, Sirius, Kiba, and Likosa. " A man said as the leader sighed.

    " Cloud, I want you to find and bring back as many of them as you can...and, you'll be going with me... " The Leader of the Akatsuki sneered.

    " You both may now know my is....Syn Soto. The only user alive, that can use...the Keikke Genkai of...Kaiten Uchuu. " Syn smiled as he and Cloud disappeared. Syn smiled devilishly.
    Post by: Yagaskardig, Aug 7, 2007 in forum: Retirement Home
  11. Yagaskardig
    OOC: Sword, Recount has the Ichibi, meet the infamous Zach! Obby Poonz!
    Post by: Yagaskardig, Jul 31, 2007 in forum: Retirement Home
  12. Yagaskardig
    So, what's going on? And What's teh picture about...?
    Post by: Yagaskardig, Jul 23, 2007 in forum: Forum Families
  13. Yagaskardig
    Hello people! Good Morning! How is everyone doing? Jade been on Recently at all?
    Post by: Yagaskardig, Jul 23, 2007 in forum: Forum Families
  14. Yagaskardig
    OOC: True, you always do miss me getting on.
    Post by: Yagaskardig, Jul 23, 2007 in forum: Retirement Home
  15. Yagaskardig
    OOC: I'm not on weekneds hardly ever, I can only get on when I'm home alone, I'm not allowed to I have to sneak on...
    Post by: Yagaskardig, Jul 21, 2007 in forum: Retirement Home
  16. Yagaskardig
    OOC: Wehn will your Comp be fixed?
    Post by: Yagaskardig, Jul 19, 2007 in forum: Retirement Home
  17. Yagaskardig
    OOC: Sorry, it's just, an Island and ACADEMY being blown into shreds is COOL
    Post by: Yagaskardig, Jul 19, 2007 in forum: Retirement Home
  18. Yagaskardig
    OOC: ...Never, say that again...
    Post by: Yagaskardig, Jul 19, 2007 in forum: Retirement Home
  19. Yagaskardig
    OOC: Well, after we all go high enough on Ranks, I'm going to plan...well, I'll tell you in a PM, do you have an unread messages? Or ones you didn't reply back to?
    Post by: Yagaskardig, Jul 19, 2007 in forum: Retirement Home
  20. Yagaskardig
    OOC: Yes but also remember, they ARE growing up, so this could Continue to GA.
    Post by: Yagaskardig, Jul 19, 2007 in forum: Retirement Home