I agree 8D
Nice ^-^ Hope you will make other vids soon
Very Nice^^ Hope you´ll make Round 2 soon ^_^
Here: Play as Tron Sora without World Weapon R44V-Q19M-NXZ0D KUPK-6091-AFYZY QVN2-PA1V-23QTV XAMV-3DYT-YYDJB
hi slip^^ when are u going to release the codes from your newest vid ??
again a good job :poketoungeb:
yeah^^ its very good :D
We hope so ^^
Awesome ^^
i like silver too^^
Hi nice to meet you^^ Hope you have fun here^^
-----CODE RELEASE----- Hi, KH-Player here. I was inspired by Slips "Dark Knight Form". I thought "It would be nice to make my own Custom Form". And now my dream comes true. Heres the Code: Blue Fantasy Form AR MAX 5W47-AWNQ-58T1Y EGAP-9ZNP-9YJFV HQB9-WPW5-MEZ5Y Z62D-9FH4-G6UE1 2QVN-GJUQ-JCEE6 5WPP-ERQ7-AEP2F AC7N-TAGF-KRANC HTM9-DHRY-1G6AY 4EFP-F88G-M8R3Z RAW 21CB9D18 4647414D 21CF0438 00303330 21CF043C 00000000 11CF0440 00000000 103403C0 000001F4 10341074 00000029 11CEF60C 000007D1 2037EF9C 3F000000 Credits go to - Slip for helping me. - Me for starting this project.
you´re welcome ^^
I like "The Encounter" , but I don´t know why ^^
I think Roxas, ´cause he is a bit like me ^^
Tinity Limit, because you can switch between three attacks.
i am playing kh 358 2 days right now and its very nice^^
hi wie gehts ?? ^^
hi nice pic ;D
ok here is the first one: Render: Terra http://planetrenders.net/renders/displayimage.php?pos=-39493 Size: 500x160 Text: KH-Player Style or Color: the best one ;D