ok here: Render: http://planetrenders.net/renders/displayimage.php?pos=-4556 Size for the signatures: 300x150 Text: KH-Player Signature Style: Crunge
thats bad :(
maik can you make me a new sig ??
the signatures are on the first page ;D
yeah, that would be awesome
hi slip^^ are you busy ??
its ok^^ Maik ported it for me: Never be Antiform (ported by Maik) NVTA-EHV4-J6MKT 8ARU-RV7Q-W293D
Yeah that would be very great! If Square Enix would be clever they are going to do that, ´cause I think many people would buy it.
could someone please port this code into PAL ??? its FM Version: Never be antiform AJKF-RRM9-VPFAA DJ1E-MA6E-QJ81F
Here: Sephiroth is replaced by Xemnas (1st Battle) CYH9-CN8N-14VJW FGEK-KXJX-QVMTD Sephiroth is replaced by Xaldin T54Q-3A6Y-TDAYJ GUQM-C7RA-UPH52 I think theres no Cloud Enemy. You cannot have Tifa, Leon, Yuffie and Cloud at one time (except some special places like the Throne Room). Here are the Battle Warps: Battle Warp Scar [R2] GM3H-N8BC-91058 B5ZH-XK7H-13Y3D 51FK-E0V7-NDNPR ZR6P-ER79-66AJJ Battle Warp Storm Rider [R2] DCKF-FUA0-PYNH2 B5ZH-XK7H-13Y3D PGP2-VHNU-3M16Z ZR6P-ER79-66AJJ Battle Warp Hades (with Hercules Partner) [R2] WDBD-ZF0W-F4A7M B5ZH-XK7H-13Y3D RUJ4-49MY-KJUDQ 16U6-U7QD-JZJUZ and for the red colored you have to fill in UCM digits ;D
hi^^ nice that you´re here again! enjoy it here ;D
i think you should ask this in the fm thread ;D
Drive into Master Form ok^^... i don´t think so...
posting it in the pal thread now ;D hope you have fun^^
Amazing !!! ^^
yeah^^ look on page 228
it´s ok ^_^
ok. i will stop it now. thx for the information ;D
hi wie gehts ^^
gut zu wissen ^^