Umm well I hope it's ok to do this even though I'm new and no one knows me? ^^; I just thought it'd be fun. Here I am. This is my profile pic actually. Spoiler And this is a few months old. All my red hair color faded. :( I'm a natural dark brown. Spoiler
Yeah the coliseum was fun, but it did get repetitive for a while. It did help out with the story though. But like you all said, I'd like to see something similar to it. :)
Wow. This is very unique and creative. And very, very sweet. :) What makes it more interesting is that they're both cool geeks and pulled off the meme thing very well. lol
Is anyone here a fan of SNSD/Girls' Generation besides me? ^.^ I love them to death. I admire that they dance so well. I actually like their dance-only videos over their actual promotional music videos. A friend showed them to me almost a year ago and I'm really glad she did. :) I wish I was awesome at dancing. ^^ I like this song a lot. This is the Japanese version of the original Korean song Mr. Taxi. :) [video=youtube;fhseD2tRLUY][/video]
I can't wait for this movie! I started hearing rumors about it a few years ago saying that a Hobbit movie was in the works. It looks amazing! I'm so glad Peter Jackson still has a hold on this series. But it's like....this trailer is a huge tease!! XD An epic one at that! First it's like check out this epic trailer you've all been waiting for! Then towards the middle it's like "But you have to wait another FULL year!" Then at the end it's like "BAM! December 14 2011 Haha we tricked you!" But I'm not complaining. I've been waiting for this movie for years and at least it's only one year away, and not five. ( ^.^ ) Oh and I have the book somewhere in my messy room. I should read it.
I really want to! :) Just trying to find the time today to record.
I also thought this was a hack too. Interesting to know. :)
I remember this little girl! I first saw her a few years ago. She's improved a lot! ^.^
Thank you so much guys! You're all so nice here. o.o
Aww thank you for the welcome! ^-^ I didn't know you guys have a singing group! :O I will check this out. Like I said, I've been a visitor for a long time, but what really urged me to join was the fandub auditions you all have going. I love making voice overs. ^.^ I'm really hoping to find time to record my audition this week! My Christmas is so busy! Oh yeah I did post this early. I've been up early lately. lol
Hello, everyone! I'm new here. ^-^ I've been a visitor of KHVids forever, and only now decided to join the forum. I should have done this a long time ago, but oh well. Better now than never. :) Well, I like to sing, act, make videos (it's really addicting). I like to have fun, laugh and be random. I graduate from pet grooming school in two weeks. ^-^ I know that bit is irrelevant, but I'm really happy about it. lol Anyway, I'm happy to be a member now. ^-^ Nice to meet you.