I'm in my 20s and people say I still look 16. xP Sometimes younger than that.
OH. MY. FREAKING. GOD. O.O I am so favoring this video and I want this on my mp3 player like NOW!!! That's amazing!!! No instruments, all voices!!!
OMG This is really good. You're amazing. :)
Aww soo cute!
We got our first snow that actually stuck to the ground TODAY. Before that it's been way too warm with rain. Though it did snow a few times (light flurries) and it all melted before it hit the ground.lol
Gorgeous! It's my dream to visit London someday. ^-^
I did that with Mr. Taxi too! lol I like it more than the Korean. Plus I can pronounce the Japanese and sing along with it.
Their newest one The Boys sounds better in Korean than the English version, I personally think so anyway. But I do like both. What do you think?
Congrats on your pins! :) I just got my first pin today for auditioning. Your English is pretty good I'd say. And don't worry about it. I knew a girl once who was from Africa. She had a mixture of French and Congo accent. By Senior year her English had improved a lot! Her accent was still there, but her English was very clear. You'll get better over time too. But Like I said, you're English is already very good. ^-^
Here's my sample for Deuce. I'm open for any of the high pitch voices too. Just let me know what you think. :) Thanks! Deuce line 1: What is our intelligence club doing in Byakko? View attachment 29949
Yay cool stuffness. ^^ So just by looking at the three musketeers world, is that just a new part to Disney Town/Kingdom? Or a full out new place? I can't tell. And it doesn't help that I can't read Japanese yet.
Is it ok to audition for this even though I've never played Type-0? ^^ Edit: Oops. I reread your first post. I'll just read about it. I didn't mean to overlook that. xD
Aww this is cute! ^.^
I can't decide what my favorite song from them is. Though I've been listening to Mr. Taxi a lot because I just found it recently. lol
Yay!!! I tried out for Shiki and Rhyme. I figured it was a good match since my voice is high pitched and squeaky. lol ^-^ I spent about three hours retaking and retaking until I got it right. I'm really picky. ^^; I'm super excited about this. I've never even auditioned for a fandub before. I have recorded in my own time though. I love voice acting. <333
Hi! Thank you for the welcome! ^-^
Aww you're adorable. ^-^
Yay a SNSD fan!!! ^.^ Oh thanks for the info! I didn't know that!! ^.^ Ok so the "Comeback" I keep hearing about makes sense now. XD I'm practically a new fan, so I'm still learning about them. Hehe. I agree that their music has improved. I love both their cute stuff and more "grown up" songs too. At the same time, it's cool that they can be grown up and not drive so much attention to their appearances, unlike most American singers do (to put it properly). The music gets the same amount of attention that they do, instead of 100% on their looks. ^.^
I find it weird that Amazon has it already. o.0 I wonder it's the Japanese version ready for pre-order? And not pre-order for NA? There's lots of fans who get so excited that they import, whether they're fluent in Japanese or not.
That's a big chicken leg! lol And cool sword and crown. xD