Oh ok. Thanks for clarifying! ^-^ I've never played TWEWY sadly. That's why I was confused.
Agreed. I love this song. I hear it just about everyday. ^-^
Edit: Thanks for clarifying this for me. It's actually Twister -Gang Remix- and I didn't know because I've never played this game before. lol A friend of mine showed this to me about four months ago. It's titled as a KH3D version of Neku's theme. Though I'm not sure if it's official or not. The poster didn't even specify in the description box. Do you know if this is official? Or fanmade? Thanks in advance if you can help because it's been bugging me for months. ^-^ None the less it sounds pretty epic. [video=youtube;7Oa5cVQaOxs]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7Oa5cVQaOxs[/video]
LOL That freaked me out. I had no clue where it was coming from. It's like a FF Rick Roll.
My audition is on Youtube now. ^.^ You can critique there if you want. I also posted the lines in the info under the video....
Congrats on getting picked! ^.^
Good job guys! ^-^ I'm glad that I at least auditioned for this. It makes me feel like that I was a part of it in some way. Now I can post my clips on Youtube. XD Yay!
Wow you sound so much like Sora and WHOLE lot like Vanitas. @_@ Oh my god! XD You're good! I'll get a character demo up sometime (I'm new to...
Yay! I love it! I'm so freaking excited and happy now! I expected to wait longer for the website. :) Thanks, Mike!
Aww thanks! :D I don't know much about it either, but I've been looking up FF Type-0 lately. Hehe ^^ I hope to hear from you too. I've been...
Hi! I noticed that we got cast in the same fandub a few weeks ago (FF Type-0) and I've seen you around. So I thought I'd say hi. ^-^ Nice to meet you.
Don't worry. I think that's some pretty awesome advice. XD
I want this kitty sooo bad! But if it's going to be $50 I'll wait til the price drops, maybe.
Yeah that site is awesome. It's like a gold mine of auditions. I've sent in like 4-5 auditions since I joined last week.
Maybe this useless post of mine will help?
They look awesome! I would use them in my signature. :)
Hi. Welcome to the site. :) That's ok, there's plenty of KH nerds around here ( like me ) who can you help with any Kingdom Hearts related questions. lol If you need anything that is. This place is pretty addicting. You'll have fun. :)
Wow really?
Oh that's cool. So you're pretty much a beta tester? ^-^
It's out already? I thought it would be out in a few more years. Wait. Didn't Windows 7 just come out like....2009/2010?