Awww cuddle bug kitty.
Hehe you're welcome! ^-^ I'll remember that about your name. lol Well the deadline on FF Type-0 was way back in November. She needs to change that...
Hey we got cast in another fandub together. I'm assuming that's you at VAA with the same name. I don't think anyone else in the world has your...
Wow. O.O I just hope he's an actor who is cast as Hitler and has to look like him. If he looks like that all the time then......Wow.
Wow. o.0 Sorry your question got trolled. =/
Yay! Good news! So this means the English version won't be too far behind the Japanese version! ^.^ Or so I assume.
Wow! XD I was getting up that late too for while. I recently started to set my alarm on my phone to wake me up at 11am.
Wow really? Can the world get any lazier? The fact that delivery is only offered within a ten minute distance is really bad. Anyone can take ten minutes to drive themselves, walk or take a bus/taxi to Burger King within that time. On the other hand, I can see how helpful this can be for disabled people. But anyone else who is able should take themselves using some form of transportation. Sorry, I don't mean to sound so negative about this. x.x;
Ooo I've never seen the Zelda 3DS! :O I have to look this up. Omg so many cool stuff happening for KH's birthday. I wish I could afford all of the special stuff.
WOW! This source of information makes me happy! Proof that this JERK is a hypocrite just like every other dictator known in history. Yes, I consider him to be a dictator in training. I want to punch him too.
Wow I want that 3DS! *-* Oh and look! It's the anniversary date plus one day! Anniversary March 28 - KH3D Release March 29 KH Wiki is my friend.
Yay thanks! That is so nice of you! ^-^
Yay I'm not alone. lol I didn't mean to stop watching it either. Life just got in the way. :( I wonder if there's a way to can catch up online.
Oh wow.....I haven't watched Code Lyoko in years. I am so far behind in the series. So XANA is gone? o.0 I probably sound it's going to be live action/CGi? That sounds cool. Now I want to catch up with it ASAP.
Omg this looks like my friend's puppy when it was an itty bitty thing (which was only two months ago). So cute! Well said. o.o
Everything is 3D now! Holy crap! I want to see Beauty and the Beast 3D! I keep seeing previews. I agree that the OLDER OLDER movies should be made into 3D first, not movies that are almost ten years old. I really want to see Aladdin in 3D since it was one of the first Disney movies to have a little bit of CGi. It'd be really cool to see that updated.
Like I mentioned, I've never played TWENWY, but I have heard a few songs from it. I have thought about how the TWEWY OST would do in KH too. Also, since someone mentioned that the game doesn't have character themes (right?), I wonder if they'll get themes in KH3D.
Those are cool song titles. I want to hear the whole TWEWY OST now. ^^
You're welcome! ^.^ I noticed that is NANA, but I've never read the manga or seen the anime. lol I got it from ^^
Ooo I like teal and this one. Pretty. ^-^