Thank you! I'll definitely show you when it's done. The script is still being worked on. I think you'll be fine. You're good about getting lines...
I forgot about this random song! lol
Even if it is on mobile (which I can't play), it still looks pretty cool and the art is pretty. The music sounds like FF to me.
Oh I remember this trailer. Apparently, Abraham Lincoln was a vampire hunter in another life or something. It's weird. It looks cool, but it's awkward that they turned a president into a super hero or whatever.
LOL That's hilarious!
I never thought about that quote, probably because I forgot about it. The point about Roxas makes sense. Unless he was thinking about Kairi, but then thought "oh wait a second, she's not here." But that's probably unlikely. The Roxas theory makes more sense to me. Agreed.
Hewwo. ^-^
Mike should be a backup for Roxas voice in case Jesse McCartney can't voice him for a reason.
lol They're like so identical. I can hear the difference though. I don't know why.
You could ask her on Youtube, if you're on there. Her name is the same: TwinlightEqua. Or just email her:
Aww that is so cute!!! ^.^ I think the KHV Choir is so adorable! I would do it if I wasn't so busy with stuff. I just got cast yesterday to voice...
Aww happy birthday. :)
Opps laaate reply. >.< That quote is from one of the 20480924-2 trailers (or whatever) for the games after KH2. There's so many...
Hi! Just wanted to say hi. I haven't been on KH-Vids in a while. xP
I love to read and I used to do so a lot. Now my time is consumed with hanging out with friends online, making videos and recording voice overs. And speaking of blogs, people still blog? I figured that social sites took over that past time. I used to blog tons before I got into social networking or whatever. Blogging doesn't have the same feel to me as it did 6 years ago. xP
Yay! This makes me happy. Zexion is one of my favorite Org members. ^-^
Hi! ^.^ Well I see Kairi and Namine up there.
Are you still accepting auditions? ^^;
Yay!! I'm so happy about this! ^-^
I haven't heard anything from it in about a month or two. I hope it's still happening.