Ture, but if you pay attention to the part when Roxas first talks to Axel about Xion joining them, Axel seems kinda pissed that he won't be alone...
Yay! Thank you!
No big deal, I put a thread in the forums any how asking for help on it.
I'm on day 352, I got it the day it came out so I've had it for six days.
Awsome, I would be playing 358/2 days if I wasn't stuck on a hard ass misson.
Vexen's japanese laugh by a long shot, it was just plain creepy.
I am majorly stuck on day 353(I think that's the right day.) It's the misson where you have to defeat six heartless. Tips on what to equip myself with and battle strategies are what I'm looking for.
Pretty good, you?
Hi new friend!*waves insanly*
I got Axel, which is weird because I normally get Roxas or Demyx, and I'm nothing like Axel.
I'd be Axel because I'm a pyro so control over fire in my hands...
In KH I'd say the no cutscene skipping and in KH2 the fact that you can practically, beat the whole game with just the X button
I'd have to go with Heartless, I think they look cooler then Nobodies, especially Shadows, they're just adorable.
Heartless was definatly the Fat Bandit because when you try to attack, they turn around and breath fire. Nobody was Xigbar because of his teleportation skills.
It's areally close tie between Axel and Roxas. I have to go with Roxas, though. There's just something about him that makes me love him. The duel keyblades are cool, but that's not why he's my favorite.
I do feel sorry for him, he defiantly didn't deserve to die, I wouldn't say his better then the real Riku though.
The Keyblade changes depending on the keychain attatched, right? So what would it look like with out a keychain? I've wonder if it's just an ordinary house key.XD
Xigbar was the hardest for me, mainly because of his warpping around. My bad luck gave me Anti-Sora twice in the same battle the second time I played the game.
A friend of mine from school came up with a name for me: Cleexon. Just try to figure out my name.
I'm all for yaoi parings: RiSo is top, followed by AkuRoku, and MaruZeku is adorable too. Although it's a crack pairing, I also adore RoxasxSora(don't know pairing name)