It's so random it's funny!
Freaking hilarious, haven't seen that in a long while.
In the english version it is pernounced Lee. Stupid really, I don't understand why they changed the pernounciation.
Actually, in the Japanese version the 'a' isn't silent, so Lea is pronounced 'Lee-uh'
I beat days!
I know the seventh one you find after you fight the first six, you go back to the station plaza and it'll be there and if you beat it you unlock Sora in mission mode. And the tips are helpful, thanks.
Bye, bye, I'll work on getting that pic to show.
That's cute. And here an AkuRoku one for you: [IMG]
Not that it's a bad pic, but I'm not supportive of that pairing. I'm weird and like Marluxia and Zexion.
Wouldn't be surprised if it was intentional, I mean look at all the hints in kh2, no way those were accidents.
I've seen that one and it is hilarious and cute at the same time.
and yes, that pic is from loveless.
Sure, make it a surprise.
Sorry if I sounded mean, didn't mean to.
I've got it memorized, but I don't have the money to but them right now, got that memorized?
I would have her start there if I had that one, but I only have re:com and days.
Yup, she hasn't played any of the kh games yet, but she wants to give some of them a shot and she knows some of the story from me talking too much...
I could be wrong, but I think the first cutscene is Roxas being overloaded with Sora's memories. The second cutscene I really have no idea, it seems almost like there's a time lapse between it and the first.
And once I beat it, my friend wants to borrow it, so she'll add to our numbers!
I happen to be one of them.