i don't even know what to write :c
i'm going to bed. please leave happy, supportive, inspiring, and reassuring messages here in this thread for me and others. thank you and goodnight.
The gameplay is based on the last game you played. How awesome/horrifying is the result? >Dredd >Dishonored >You play as Dredd and Anderson, able to switch anytime you want >start from the bottom of the building >each floor is another level, you have to complete certain objectives, solve puzzles, or take out certain 'boss' gang members to ascend the floors >you can take out gang members however you want, using stealth, explosive rounds, etc >have access to all their weapons/powers >Dredd has access to all ammo types >Anderson can use her psychic shit to sense enemies or "hack" their minds and fuck with them 10/10 would purchase day one
http://www.vg247.com/2013/02/11/releasing-a-game-demo-can-cut-your-sales-in-half-warns-schell/ So it completely makes more sense to sell something to blind consumers and take advantage of their ignorance before their buyers remorse can set in. GOD FORBID THEY FIND OUT THE GAME IS ACTUALLY BAD AND ARE PUT OFF FROM BUYING IT, OR BETTER YET THEY FIND OUT A GAME IS ACTUALLY FUN AND GO PRE-ORDER IMMEDIATELY!
watch in full screen for full effect
"We have been told that they are now pushing harder to reach the 2013 deadline and not to overlap with The Witcher 3 2014 release." Because EA wants to rush it just like Dragon Age 2, and we all know how wonderfully that worked out. Why not just work on your game with care and delicacy and do your best to make an amazing game. Make people want to buy it because it's a genuinely high quality product, and not because there are no other options. EA will be he death of BioWare. Seriously.
But heed this, the price you pay may be heavy indeed.
i tried to get him to look up at the camera but he was locked in Snake's gaze
http://www.thepetitionsite.com/590/736/158/save-dutch-the-service-dog/ Posting in spam zone because it will get more attention.
David Bowie is a known legend and a genius, he's one of my favorites and biggest inspirations so if you listen to David Bowie (and you should) what is your favorite album? or song? my favorite album is a tie between Diamond Dogs and Space Oddity. it really depends on my mood.
so why don't you?
Inject me with summa dat C+C
~ Kotaku EA just keeps finding more ways to pander to casuals, idiots, and the impatient. Also, what genuine fan of action/horror games is only playing games on their smartphone?
Spoiler Spoiler The first one I was kind of going for a clean office feel, like something on a post board. The second one I wanted to make it look urban. Like you'd see it in a big city on a rainy night.
Think again.
http://bit.ly/UZOHEU >Donte breaks in to Mundus's wife's club, punching out an innocent bouncer on the way http://bit.ly/13w4MWL >Donte beats up and kidnaps said wife and child, then holds them for ransom http://bit.ly/WH0Tbz >Instead of keeping their word, Donte's boss and brother, Vorgil, shoots the wife in the womb, then as soon as the realization that her child is dead has set in, kills her too http://bit.ly/TW8sOK >Donte brags about how good it felt to watch Mundus's kid be 'blown into wet chunks' FURTHERMORE http://bit.ly/UlqWqH >Vergil bragging about his dick size http://bit.ly/11vnbEy >This stupid scene that exists only to piss off old fans http://bit.ly/1039RXQ >And a bonus clip to show you what you were in for if you had regrettably bought this game What you CAN do is support the real Devil May Cry series by buying the HD collection instead! Together we can show Capcom that we don't want any of Ninja Theory's D0NTE_Xx420_2EDGY_DEM0N_4FUCKYOU_xX420_KILLA XTREME MATURE WUBSTEP EDITION bullshit. Thanks for your time! Devil May Cry HD Collection (PS3) Devil May Cry HD Collection (360) Devil may Cry: Devil May Cry (PS3, 360, and PC)
to improve my hand at typography but spoilers: IT AIN'T WORKIN'
when you feel all inspiration and drive to test your limits in your field of creative expression slowly draining and withering. ugh. in other words i'm really feeling tired of making graphics. i've stagnated and i just can't come up with new ideas. i haven't improved at all in the last 6 months. fuck everything.