the problem is really simple but i'm scared out of my mind. my partner feels like we're not communicating like we used to. we've both been incredibly busy with life and haven't been able to get together much, and we always hit walls when trying to talk over the phone or even in person. i know you cannot force conversation, but i'd really like some advice on this. also, i would like to add that one problem is that she is not that big into video games, and i'd really like to talk about them with her, but i'm always scared she won't be interested and i end up reading into what she says too much. when we play games together, she does have fun, but i'd really like to share my ideas and views about video games especially because i'd like to work in that industry, and if i feel i can't talk about that stuff.. well, that's an issue. so yeah: what should i do to spice up conversation between the both of us? we already do fun stuff together, but we're really looking to focus on improving our abilities to have meaningful conversations and not just small talk to pass time.
laptop dead
i'm designing a logo for a new fitness oriented company and i'll be getting $300 as pay and more if they really like it what should i do with the money
what should i name my pawn? he's gonna be a big muscular guy to compliment my androgynous rogue sidenote: i hate that pang of guilt i get when giving Capcom money
poor Tharja. Spoiler: bonus round Nowi please
Insert a quarter every time you die!
lol pretty cool rite? :333
get rekt scrub
and it's a really fun and beautiful and creative and i love it but what the hell is up with Sakuya's outfit like y'know the hole in her dress showing off her entire butt
baby baby baby baby baby baby
and random access memories still hasn't leaked
tomorrow MSN/Windows live messenger is being shut down forever ;_; getting emotional over a stupid messenger client makes me feel pathetic but i've been using it since i was 12 and i've made lots of memories using it sigh
Alsiel: Gee, Maou-sama, what do you want to do tonight? Maou: The same thing we do every night, Alsiel. Try to promote to store manager! . . . Maou: Oh and then take over the world, yeah.
Stand tall for the beast of America.
What color is it now?
i lost the original image for comparison ;_; i'm sry kawaii pack
has anybody else watched this amazing show? it really gets our gamering culture spot on XD GO HOME NOOBS!
i hate this :c
does anybody else here kiss boys?