A View from Saturday soooooooooooooooooo boring It's basically a book about some nerdy kids answering questions in some boring competition
Yaridovich from Super Mario RPG, he was big metal thing that all the evil toads transformed into he was beast
Oh, yeah I forgot about sex and drugs, I was mainly talking about violence the M game I played when I was 6 was the original Turok, no sex there, but yeah I suppose maybe Dead or Alive, God of War, and GTA could be too intense for a 6 year old But I didn't say all 6 year olds, just ones that parents think are mature enough for M games
Despite the fact the angels and the invisibles were big bullies that always beat the crap out of me and made me sad, I would actually agree that they should have been in KH2 because it would have been nice to have the game be at least a little bit challenging
Personally I think the age on the M rating should be ignored. Because M stands for Mature and when you are 17 doesn't necessarily make you mature. I've been playing M games since I was 6, and I was one of the most well behaved kids in my class. so I think if a 6 year old is mature, let him play Halo (maybe not GTA though) ,but if a 13 year old is a real punk, then the parents should be strict with him/her. P.S. By the way, I die a lot in games...so why would we want to imitate something that will get us killed?
The new Mortal Kombat game features Batman, Superman, and more It's also getting rid of the gore http://www.gamespot.com/ps3/action/mortalkombat/news.html?page=1&sid=6189513&tag=top_stories;title;0
Axel for the famous lines "Got it memorized" and "commit it to memory"
I'm so hungry I could eat an octoroc
Death Note Also spelling is important when there's several things that can be implied by both Dexter and Daxter
I lover snickerdoodle in fact I think I'll go steal some
Wow! That video was pretty tight!
Jan's become a total psycho Michael's $200 dollar TV was hilarious
Well I was wondering how old Alice was because she might not have been born when this game takes place would there only be six princesses? or is there a different 7th? if so what happened to her? or will the game will have nothing to do with the princesses of heart so it won't matter? any ideas, theories, etc...?
i payed i think 40-50 dollars for it and I think it's the funniest game I ever played so yeah for six bucks its a very good deal
I would wish for more genie lamps because they say you cant wish for more wishes but they never say anything about wishing for more magic lamps
Sweet I'm a big fan of Death Note