Has anyone seen the British sitcom Spaced? It's made by the same people who made Shaun of the Dead and Hot Fuzz I've only seen the first season, but it was really really funny
I liked Hot Fuzz, but I didn't thin it was quite as good as Shaun of the Dead
A like either apple or mud pie( which is a very chocolatey pie, not what you were thinking) Aha, my actual 100th post!
Post # 100 I feel accomplished I don't accomplish much by the way Hey wait a minute it said 99 posts after my last post
Any Mel Brooks or Monty Python Movie
hmmmm I've had no luck with getting a girlfriend but I have tips on what NOT to do -Don't be mopey, and expect a girl to go out with you out of pity -Never ask out a girl's twin sister, after she rejects you -Don't let your perverted friends tell her you like her before you get a chance to -Don't expect her to leave her boyfriend for you -If you barely talk to her, your chances are low -Don't stare at her, without talking to her, but when you do talk to her look into her eyes -Don't pretend you like something she likes -Don't go for the hottest girl -Also it helps if you are friends with her friends, but not if ask out her closest friends but over all be patient and optimistic, you'll find someone
Well, im not a scientist I'm just a simple man who sees things
This one time I was walking down the street I looked at a person in a parked car and thought he was holding a gun I didn't think much of it at first, but then thought wait a minute!!! and looked back and noticed he was actually a book Has your mind ever played tricks on you?
No have you ever shoved a chocolate chip up your nose (I have)
Snake and Toon Link
Hey maybe if I make another post people will read this story Doubt it also, don't talk to yourself
1686781 that's just a wild guess though
I have really really nerdy but interesting idea... what if we all managed to meet somewhere, some person dressed up as Sora and the rest of the cast and everyone else dressed up as heartless and we'd all have a big battle, until the police come and say WTF
I doubt if they did remake it would mean they'd stop working on other stuff, after all it's Square Enix they are always working on a dozen things, including remakes
I love taters especially fries, mash potatoes, and hash browns
thanks But, no, I guess I'll have to get one
I haven't played any PS1 games on my PS2 yet, but I was wondering do you need a PS1 memory card to save games or will my PS2 memory cards work? Also, if there is a thread already like this, please don't yell at me
I never played FF7, so I wouldn't mind see what all the fuss is about
OMG Ganondorf is the Rock